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Blach PTA Membership

The Blach PTA invites you to join our PTA. The membership fee is $12.00 per person.

It’s good for you! As a member you will have the opportunity to get involved at the junior high school, meet other parents in our community, and vote on PTA related activities. Your membership makes it possible to provide each family with our fantastic directory.

It’s good for our children! PTA provides volunteer hours and financial support for our library, computer equipment, materials for the classrooms and hot lunch.

It’s good for the future! The objectives of the State and National PTA include promoting the welfare of our youth in home, school, and community, working to secure adequate laws for the care and protection of our youth and to unite educators and the general public to secure the highest advantages in physical, mental, and social education for all children.

It’s only $12 and you can join by filling in Box 1 on your PTA payment form. Please be sure to include your name if you’d like to request an official PTA membership card (card is optional).

PTA membership also includes a free paper directory per family.

Thank you for your support!

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