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Almond's online back-to-school process allows you to pay for student offerings (such as Chorus, Walkathon T-shirts), join the PTA, make your Write-a-Check and LAEF donations and sign-up for volunteering opportunities.
2022-2023 BTS Registration is going on RIGHT NOW!
Completing the two steps will take you about 10 minutes. You will need to finish the Back to School Registration in one sitting. Your entered information will not be saved until the process is complete.
Step 1: Collect family contact information, PTA payments, and PTA volunteer opportunities. You have the option to pay-by-check or to pay online with PayPal. If you choose PayPal, please have either your credit card or your PayPal username and password handy.
Step 2: LAEF Donation
Click Here To Get Started
3/16/25 7:29 PM