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August 5, 2024


Dear Falcon Families,

We are excited to start the 2024-25 school year at Blach. This is a very busy, yet exciting, time of the year as we prepare to launch what promises to be a fantastic year at Blach!


Schedule Day is this Friday!

Students and their families are invited to pick up their class schedules on Friday, August 9th. We ask that 7th graders come between 9am and 10am to grab their schedules, purchase PE uniforms, take a tour of the campus led by Leadership students and get acquainted with their new campus. 8th graders can come between 10am and 11am to do the same!

Can’t make Schedule Day? No problem. Schedules can be picked up in the office from 10:00am-4pm on Monday or 7:30-4pm on Tuesday of next week.



Schedule Day will be on August 9, 2024 from 9:00am-11am.

Please be sure to complete the following forms prior to August 9th:

2024-25 LASD Annual Student Information Registration (InfoSnap). The district sent an email to families to complete the annual InfoSnap registration. Please look for an email from

****IMPORTANT: Students will not receive their schedule on Schedule Day until the InfoSnap forms have been completed.****


School Supplies

Teachers will review with their students specific supplies for their classes (particularly elective classes) but a basic list of supplies is below, much of which may already be in your possession:

  • 3-ring binder with dividers for each class
  • A supply of binder paper
  • Pens- blue and black ink for work. A red ink pen for corrections
  • Pencils
  • A pencil pouch or something to contain all the smaller supplies


Welcome New Staff!

Please join me in welcoming our new staff members to Blach:

Mr. Alan Ugarte - 8th grade Physical Education
Mr. Kris Asuncion - Algebra (Kris is joining us from many years of teaching at Egan)
Mrs. Dana Hardester - SAI Teacher (also joining us from Egan!)
Madame Josee Savard - French teacher
Ms. Julia Clawson - Choir (also shared with Egan)
Mr. Eric Olivo - school psychologist
Mr. Eugene Leung - librarian (Mon-Wed)


Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.



Wade Spenader- Principal

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