Front of School
- Do not stop or park along the red curb unless your child is already there waiting for you. If not, please park your car—no waiting or stopping along the red curb.
- Respect the "Right Turn Only" sign when exiting the parking lot.
- Do not drive in the bus lane directly under the overhang.
- Young adolescents think they are immortal, and dash out into traffic without looking. Watch out for them
- Please do not drop off on Carmel Terrace or Altamead Drive. There are"No Stopping" and "No Blach Drop Off" signs there to remind you that the safe drop area for students is the front of the school off Covington. These streets are reserved for students that walk or bike to school (Safe Route to School) and we wish to keep them safe for these students.
- The neighbors on Muir Way request that you not use this narrow cul-de-sac for dropping off or picking up students.
- The speed limit on Covington Road is 25 MPH, and Los Altos police officers enforce it.
Bike Safety

See also Walk or Wheel Bicycle Safety Basics