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Students: LAYC Dance memberships will again be sold during Lunch tomorrow. Extra forms are here in the office.
The NOON LEAGUE VOLLEYBALL games for today are: Lewis vs Liewer and Brusven vs Marquis. Be ready to go by 1:00!!!
Check the updated HOMEROOM POINTS totals on the charts posted in Mrs. Honigman’s and Mrs.Mackenzie’s sliding glass doors. This will be updated weekly so check often.
Both of the girls softball teams advanced to the semi-finals today. The 7th girls will play Egan at Egan.
The 8th girls will play Crittenden at Crittenden.
Good Luck!
The 8th grade boys played spectacularly yesterday defeating Miller in five close and exciting games. Great plays all around with exceptional court coverage. Today they are in the semifinals as they try to avenge an earlier loss against Egan. Car pools will leave shortly after the end of school.
Girls volleyball tryouts next Monday and Tuesday. Wrestling practice begins Monday. Sign ups are in the locker rooms.
3/12/25 10:24 AM