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Next week is SPIRIT WEEK at Blach and there will be a theme and events each
day. Monday is TROPICAL DAY with a limbo contest at lunch in the quad. Everyone should plan to come dressed for the tropics!!
Want to jam to all of your favorite songs at lunch on Fridays?? The leave the Music Team a request in the music suggestion box right next to the music crew. Remember to keep your suggestions completely school appropriate.
Congratulations to Mrs Chron’s homeroom for their win yesterday in volleyball. They will move on to the Championship division. Mr. Kane and Lopez will also get a homeroom point for having all players ready to go and will move to the Consolation division.
Girls volleyball tryouts will be on Monday and Tuesday from 3:10 to 4:30. You MUST attend both days of tryouts.
Wrestling practice begins next week on Monday. Please sign up in the boys locker room or see Mr. Kane.
3/12/25 10:31 AM