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Today is the big day for PJs and tomorrow is Fairytale Day so come dressed as your imaginary self. There will be a “dragon “ event at lunchtime in the quad. Also...4 more days to get those Homecoming floats finished and ready to roll on Friday.
Don’t forget Friday is Green and Gold Day, and a chance for you to really show your school spirit! If you’re walking with your homeroom float, report behind Mrs. MacKenzie’s classroom, D3 at the start of lunch on Friday. You can park your floats in your designated area (marked by chalk) any time Friday morning. See you there!
Hey 8th graders: The Giving Back Club has designed T-Shirts! Each shirt is $20.00 each. The money goes to a local action of giving books to schools in need of better libraries. Come into Mrs. Waxman’s class during lunch to buy one now.
Due to the minimum day, there will be NO Noon Study today. Come back and see us tomorrow!
Students: Online registration for the holiday faire begins tomorrow! Come to the student meeting in the multi at 8:30 am tomorrow to learn more about the faire and how to sign-up online.
Girls volleyball tryouts will be today from 3:10 to 4:30. Wrestling practice from 3:00 to 4:30 today.
3/12/25 12:11 PM