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Blach Falcons: It’s time to order your 2014-2015 Blach yearbook! The yearbook staff is hard at work creating the most spectacular yearbook Blach has ever seen, and you’ll want to make sure you have yours at the end of the school year, so order now! Order forms will be emailed home to parents today, and may be turned in starting tomorrow to the office or Mrs. Hickman’s room, D-2. Don’t delay- order your yearbook NOW!
Congratulations to Blach for donating a total of 2,876 cans to the Food Drive. Every homeroom received at least one point for participating. Here are the highly anticipated results for the homerooms.... Third place goes to Mr. Dewberry’s homeroom for 17.48 cans per student. In second place is Mrs. Mather’s homeroom with 22.26 cans per student. With 32.68 cans per person, first place is awarded to.... *drumroll please* MRS. HONIGMAN’S CLASS!!! All points will be distributed by the end of the day, including the points for the Turkey Trot. Thank you everyone for showing your holiday spirit and donating to the canned food drive.
Hey Blach! Did you know that November was National Novel Writing
Month? Thousands of people throughout the U.S. participated by writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Please join me in congratulating three of Blach’s students who took on the challenge: Alex Hague, Daphne Ih, and Rachel Soetarman. These talented young writers remained dedicated throughout the process and succeeded in writing over 50,000 words. When you see Alex, Daphne, and Rachel, be sure to congratulate them on their novel.
All 8th grade girls volleyball uniforms should be returned to Mrs. Koren today.
Girls basketball tryouts: Monday, Dec. 8th and Tuesday Dec. 9th after school until 4:30. You MUST attend both tryout days.
Attention students. Because of the Holiday Faire this Friday, we will be having a minimum day with a 12:30 dismissal – no hot lunch will be served. If you are selling at the Faire, you can go directly to the Multi at 12:30 to prepare your booth and eat your lunch from home. If you are not selling at the Faire, we ask that you leave campus and return for shopping sometime between 1 and 4 pm.
3/12/25 12:36 PM