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Blach Falcons: Now is the time to order your yearbook! For the month of December only, you can preorder your yearbook for just $35. This is the lowest price available; prices will go up in January! Turn in your order to the big box in the office or in Mrs. Hickman’s room D-2. Extra order forms are available there as well. Visit the yearbook sales table during lunch if you have any questions. Don’t delay; order now! Extra ordering forms are in the office.
LAYC Dance tonight at 7:30.
Musicians: At the seven minute bell of period 4 leave your class and report for warmup for today’s period E performance. Musicians to the band room, singers to the multi.
Hey Blach! Short stories, poems, and novel excerpts. Where can find these? The creative writing class has just published Issue 5 of Falcon Feed. Go to Blach’s website today and read the students’ intriguing stories and poems. Inside the issue, you will also find creative illustrations by the art class. Happy reading!
All 8th Grade Band Students are required to meet briefly with Mr. Lewis in the multi during brunch in preparation for today’s assembly concert. This is a mandatory meeting.
Congratulations to Rushil for finishing 4th in the county wrestling tournament yesterday. The season is now officially over so lets celebrate with one last get together. All wrestlers are invited to a pizza party after school today on Blach’s stage. Plan on being there for about a half hour.
Boys soccer and girls basketball have their first games of the season next Thursday. All participants need to register with the recreation department in order to play. Be sure and get a registration packet from Mrs. Koren or Mr. Kane if you have not done so yet.
3/12/25 11:25 AM