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2015 Blach yearbook: Turn in your order forms and $40 cash or check to the office or Mrs. Hickman’s room, D-2. Don’t delay; all orders must be turned in by the end of January!
Geography Bee will continue at lunch today in Mrs. Harris’ classroom B1.
Exciting news--we return to school on Wednesday and we start Speech and Debate! If you are interested in Speech and Debate, come to Mrs. Waxman's room (D1) after 7th period on that day and meet the high school team who will be the coaches. See Dr. Moerner if you have any questions.
You missed a "killer" drama performance last night if you were not at the dinner theatre as Mrs. Harris's drama class put on "murderously" good shows! A restaurant scene included the audience taking a "stab" at solving the crime while the other play involved the local inn where people where "dying" to figure out who was the escaped
convict. Congratulations to Mrs. Harris, the drama class, and the families that provided dessert treats which left you "hanging around" last night!
Congratulations to Mrs Chron’s homeroom for its basketball championship win yesterday. They will face Mather next Thursday on center court. This game promises to be amazing!
Attention Second Semester Leadership Students: Please make sure you talk to either Mrs. MacKenzie or Mrs. Honigman today about the Leadership Field Trip. We MUST know by 3pm if you are coming with us or not. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll assume you’ll be attending your regular classes that day. Thank you.
Come out to the quad today at lunch for the last Fun Friday event of the quarter- NAME THAT TUNE. All participating homerooms will earn points with a special prize going to the overall winner.
Demon hunters, eight little pigs, a captain, a basement, an explosion, tape recorders, and a panda bear. You can read all about these and more in Falcon Feed. The creative writing class has published its final issue of the semester. Go to Blach’s website today, click on Issue 6, and start reading the creative stories and poems. If you haven’t read the first five issues, you can find them in Blach’s library and on the website. Happy reading!
The 7th grade girls defeated THE EVIL EMPIRE 30 to 12. Great offense by: Stephanie, Janvi, Allysa, Audrey, and Carrie Great Steals by: Stephanie, Janvi, and Audrey
Great Rebounding by: Ste[hanie,
Allysa, Audrey, Carrie, Ellie, Kaitlyn and Carrie Box out Awards to: Allysa, Audrey and Carrie
Both girls teams have games on Wednesday and Thursday next week.
3/12/25 10:24 AM