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Blach Falcons, this is your LAST CHANCE to order a 2015 yearbook and guarantee that you’ll receive one at the end of the school year! Order forms and $40 cash or check must be turned in by Friday, January 30th to the office or Mrs. Hickman’s room, D-
2. Visit the yearbook sales table at lunch on Wednesday or Friday to turn in orders as well. Don’t miss out on your chance to order our spectacular yearbook!
Attention Ms. Greenbaum’s photography students. Go to Ms. Greenbaum’s room at brunch today to pick up your portfolios.
The long awaited game between the 8th grade NOON LEAGUE champions from Mather and the Blach Staff will take place at 1:15 tomorrow on center court. Be sure to come and watch!
Friday the CHICKEN LAUNCH will return to crown the champions in all divisions: boys, girls, boys and girls combined and staff. Sign ups will take place before it begins.
This is the moment you have all been waiting for - the moment the homeroom competition winners are announced. Before announcing the homerooms, let’s be reminded of the prizes. Not only does the first place homeroom have the honor to keep
the Superclass Trophy for the next semester, they also receive a HOMEROOM PARTY courtesy of LEADERSHIP. These prizes are given upon request. To claim your prize, please contact Mrs. Honigman or Mrs. MacKenzie. Now for the winners... DRUMROLL PLEASE... 3rd place goes to Mr. Dewberry’s homeroom... 2nd place goes to Mrs. Mather’s homeroom ... and finally, 1st place goes to Mrs. Honigman’s homeroom. Congratulations!
Attention 8th graders: On Tuesday, February 3rd, the counselors from Los Altos High School and Mountain View High School will be here to go over registration procedures for classes for next year. You will meet with them instead of going to your first period class. There will be 2 classrooms for Los Altos High School and 5 for Mountain View and you will be assigned rooms alphabetically. Since the counselors are bringing packets for you, it is important to go to the assigned room.
Room assignments are posted in 8th grade History, Science, English and Math classes. If you are not sure which high school you are slated to attend or if you have any questions, see Dr. Judy.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but the Weirdos United Club is canceled today in room C4.
Girls soccer and boys basketball tryouts are scheduled for Monday, February 9th and Tuesday, February 10th. Sign ups will begin next week in the locker rooms. Be sure and have both days open for the tryouts.
3/12/25 11:40 AM