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Falcon Feed: The creative writing class has published its second issue of the semester, and it is now available on Blach’s website. Issue 8 is sure to entertain, so check out Falcon Feed today and see the creative writing pieces and beautiful illustrations. Art students, we enjoyed your wonderful illustrations. Keep them coming! Happy Reading!
Congratulations and good luck to Andrew D. for his qualification to the state Mathcounts competition to be held at Stanford University tomorrow. Students from all over that state will be competing for top honors and selection to the national team. It is a huge honor to make it to state- so kudos to Andrew! GO FALCONS
The anxiously awaited WHIPPED CREAM TOWERS competition will be held today in the quad at lunch. All homerooms should plan to send 2 representations and be ready to get dressed in protective trash bags and shower caps. Mr Kane and Mr Julio will be our judges.
Looking ahead:NOON LEAGUE on Monday will be Dewberry vs Wade on center field. 8th grade strings – Please meet Mr. Lewis in the Band room during Brunch.
Calling all 8th Graders - We want to Interview You for an exciting 8th grade video.
We would like to interview groups of kids to feature in the video next Mon - Wed - Fri in Mrs Hickman's room at lunchtime. No more than 10 kids in a room at a time. The questions will be things like your favorite movie, what do you want to be when you grow up, best music, funniest thing that happened at Blach, greatest achievement of your life so far etc. Don't miss out - we want to know what you think about life in the 8th grade and this will be a great momento for you in the years to come. See you Monday, Wed and Friday next week in Mrs Hickman's room at lunchtime.
Board Game Club: Will not be meeting today in Mr. Hu’s room C1.
The club website is up and running! Go check it out now and start a club, join a club, or chat with your friends with ease! Remember that all club owners have to have a description on the site soon! The link is on the Blach website under the Clubs banner.
The 7th grade girls defeated Graham yesterday 3 to 0. Great Goalkeeping by: Carrie
Great passing by: Libby, Claire, Monica.
Great Defense by: Olivia, Amy, Tessa
Great offense by: Eliza, Claire, Amy
Both girls teams have practice Monday after school.
3/12/25 7:22 AM