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Noon League today is the overtime between Mrs. Kane and Lewis as well as a game between Harris and Liewer. Please have all players on the field by 1:10.
Breaking news about movie night on Friday. As you know this is YOUR chance to make a difference since the proceeds go to charity. We will begin the big event at 6:30 pm rather than 7 because of the length of the movies. The BBQ menu will include nachos and cheese, bacon wrapped and regular hot dogs, as well as drinks, popcorn and
chips. We will be showing Big Hero Six and the Amazing Spiderman. Bring your lawn chairs to sit on and be ready to have a great time. Tickets will be sold all week on the stage at lunch. We can’t be a success without YOU!
Missing: Spanish textbook from the library. Please return it immediately.
All Track & Field participants: you must be signed up online and have given Mr. Kane or Mrs. Koren your transportation check by Wednesday to participate in the away meet on Thursday.
3/12/25 8:04 AM