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Graduation is fast approaching, and plans are being made for your last days of school at Blach. We are looking for students who would be interested in giving a graduation speech on the day of the ceremony. Please meet in Mrs. MacKenzie’s room on Thursday, April 30 at 1:15 to receive information about speeches and tryouts. Bring your lunch. You MUST attend the meeting if you want to try out in May.
Tonight is the night! Have you been a part of the Youth Forensic League at Blach this year or are you interested in Speech and Debate at the high school? Come TONIGHT to Mountain View High School to see the high school team "strut their stuff." This free event--with food-- runs from 7-9 pm at the Mountain View High School Theatre! See Dr. Moerner if you have any questions.
Breaking news!!! The Blach Falcons plan to participate in the 68th Annual Los Altos Kiwanis Pet Parade on May 16th. If you and your pet are interested in being a part of our group, come to the stage area at lunch beginning this Thursday to get an information sheet and sign up. We will have our sign up table in the quad at lunch through NEXT Thursday May 7th.
7th grade students who have not yet finished the Smarter Balance Test will be excused during Falcon today and Friday to complete that test. If your last name begins with the letters A – L, please report to Mrs. Waxman’s room during Falcon Time today.
8th grade students whose last names begin with A – L will report today to Mrs. MacKenzie’s room during time to complete the test.
All 7th grade 4x400 runners and the 8th grade girls 4x400 team should plan to have lunch in Mrs. Honigman’s room today.
8th Graders: Just a reminder to get those Grad Dance forms in. There is a box in the office. Also those of you who didn’t receive your Raging Waters form yesterday should be getting them today during homeroom.
The Blach Club Site is running a giveaway! All you have to do is sign up for the site and be active! Six different winners will receive $5 gift cards to House of Bagels, which will be given out on June 1st! To get to the site, go to and click the Clubs banner on the top of the site. Good luck!
3/12/25 6:47 AM