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They’re coming... the 2015 Blach yearbooks will be arriving on campus soon and will be distributed on Thursday, June 4th. If you did not pre-order a yearbook, there's still an opportunity to purchase one! There will be a limited number of books available for sale starting June 4th after school, first come- first served. Bring $45 cash or check made out to Blach School. See Mrs. Hickman in room D-2 with any questions.
Good Morning 8th Graders!
The 8th Grade Party is THIS Friday!
What are you going to wear?
Guys; a collared shirt and nice shorts or pants would be a good choice.
Girls; a dress, skirt that you can move in will be perfect for the party!
There will be a coat check there if you decide you want to stash your shoes or phone somewhere safe.
There will be games, free food, prizes and so much more!
The Party is in the Blach Multi from 7 - 10 pm.
Today is THE GARBAGE BAG FASHION SHOW and it is PJ Day. All participants should have their costumes ready by lunchtime. One person from each homeroom will be the “presenter” while the other wears the costume. Heads up: tomorrow is Formal Day.
The School Supply Drive was an amazing success! We have collected boxes and boxes of supplies that will soon be shipped to Africa. It was a close competition between several homerooms, but the winning homeroom is Mrs. Honigman's class. Thanks again to all the teachers and students that made this possible.
BREAKING NEWS for the fashion show
You can also use the little white trash bag (that the 2 bigger ones came in) for the
costume. Any type of tape can be used but not staples. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO:
3/12/25 6:28 AM