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January 11, 2018

On behalf of all of us here at Blach, a very Happy New Year to you and yours! Hope you enjoyed a restful and rejuvenating break. Here are a few updates and reminders:

  • January 12th also marks the end of semester 1.
  • Students will receive their final semester 2 schedules on January 12th. 
  • Parking Lot Safety: With rainy days and more cars on the road, please keep an eye out for kids on bikes who share our roads during very busy times.
    • During pick up or drop off, please do not park your car in the street where cars are queued for pick-up from the round-about.  
    • Please do not block driveways or streets or cut through private property.  
    • Please be mindful of cars that have been waiting in line for student pick up, and do not “cut” in front of cars that have been waiting.  
    • Always pull up to the front when space allows.  
    • Please obey all rules of the road, including speed, cell phone use, and street crossings. 
  • All absences must be called in by 9 A.M. each day your child is absent. You can either call our school office or email Mrs. Azzarello. This is to ensure student safety. Thank you for your support.

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