Blach Intermediate School

Blach Library

Copyright Information

Copyright: Fair Use 
This Stanford University site gathers all available information on the Web related to "fair use" of copyrighted materials. Very thorough and well-organized.
The U.S. Copyright Office 
The place that is organized: "To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries." (U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8).
The Copyright Website! 
This commercial site endeavors to provide real world, practical and relevant copyright information of interest to infonauts, net surfers, web spinners, content providers, musicians, appropriationists, activists, infringers, outlaws, and law abiding citizens. 

Resources for Writing Reports and Research Papers 

Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format 
Guidelines for students wondering how to cite printed and electronic sources in your reports. (Provided by Purdue University, based on  the fifth edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (1999).) See the following sections for specific uses:  "Your Works Cited List" (List at the end of the report.)
Online Writing Lab Handouts 
A series of brief and to the point sheets that serve to guide and remind writers of guidelines for the best style and most effecive writing. From the Purdue University Online Writing Lab, where many more guides and handouts are available.
Writing Research Papers: A Step-by-Step Procedure 
Help getting organized and other help you will need writing your report or research paper, from the Online Writing Lab of Purdue University.
Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation 
Do you wonder if you are using the proper grammar? If so, this is a helpful place to visit. The Table of Contents will guide you to proper use of English grammar. This resource is nicely organized and easy to access by parts of speech. Another handout from the OWL at Purdue University.
Grammar Slammer
From the University of Main, a collection of resources for writers.

Other Research Related Information

Librarian's Guide to the Best Information on the Net 
Need some information for a research paper, or maybe just some place to go to get ideas? Here is the place to look!
Santa Clara County Library
Access to scores of research links.  You need to enter your SCC library card and password.
Santa Clara County Library Student eAccount
Login: S + Student ID number + LASD (for example:  S12345LASD)
Pin: Birth Month and Day (example: May 1st is 0501)

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