Students: LAYC Dance memberships will again be sold during Lunch today.
It's time to start thinking about the holiday faire! Be sure to read the flyer you receive today in homeroom with details about student meetings and when to sign up!
Hey Falcons, this Friday is College Day in Santa Clara County and Blach will be participating. Feel free to wear your favorite college gear and ask your teachers about their college experience.
Unfortuately the 7th grade girls softball team lost to Egan yesterday in the semi-finals. Congratulations to: SARA, STEPHANIE, ASHLEY, ELLIE, MEREMIZI, LUCY, ERIN, MAKAYLA, NOA, LIBBY AND SOPHIA FOR AN AWESOME SEASON.
The 8th grade softball team were defeated in a close and exciting play-off game this Tuesday at Crittenden. Ilona S. pitched a complete game with 6
strikeouts. Jessica D. caught a complete game behind the plate and did a great job blocking pitches. The Lady Falcons had 5 hits against a very tough pitcher, and 2 doubles were crushed by Ilona S. and Julia D.. Defensive web gems were made by Kae N. early in the game with a tremendous backhanded stab and perfect throw to get the batter out. Angel M. also had an awesome play on a line drive, then touched first base for an unassisted double play. Final season record was 9 wins, 3 losses.
The 8th grade boys volleyball team made a great run in the playoffs but could not get past Egan in yesterday’s semifinals. The match lasted four close and exciting
games. Thanks to Ian, Matthew, Andrew, Douglas, Kieran, James, Cooper, Sam, Ryan, Will, Nick, Sebastian and Yiming for a great season. There will be a pizza party for both the 7th and 8th grade volleyball players after school tomorrow from 3:00-4:00.
Girls volleyball tryouts will be Monday and Tuesday from 3:10pm till 4:30pm. You must attend both days of tryouts.
Wrestling practice begins next week on Monday. Please sign up in the boys locker room or see Mr. Kane.