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January 30, 2015

We have a special assembly coming up next month with a visit from the award winning author Pam Muñoz Ryan, author of Esperanza Rising. She’ll be here to discuss her latest book, ECHO. You will love it! If you would like to preorder a personalized signed copy of ECHO, have your parents fill out the form that was emailed home and bring your form and check to the office by this Monday.

Blach Falcons, this is your LAST CHANCE to order a 2015 yearbook and guarantee that you’ll receive one at the end of the school year! Order forms and $40 cash or check must be turned in TODAY to the office or Mrs. Hickman’s room, D-2. Visit the yearbook sales table at lunch TODAY to turn in orders as well. Don’t miss out on your chance to order our spectacular yearbook!

Attention Ms. Greenbaum’s photography students. Go to Ms. Greenbaum’s room at brunch today to pick up your portfolios.

8th graders: Remember the Mountain View and Los Altos High School Counselors will be here on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd. Room assignments are posted in your core classrooms, in the office and on the Library door. Questions - see Dr. Judy

The CHICKEN LAUNCH is on for today at lunch. At the end of the competition we will know the overall winners from the first round of “launching”. The second round will begin next month.

Congrats to the Blach Staff for their basketball win yesterday. A big thank you to all the participants as well as to Zain, Will, Aaron and Yiming for their help. The next round of Noon League will begin soon.



Congratulations to the 8th grade boys soccer team who finished off their season with a resounding win over Kennedy 4-0. Strong defense and 2 goals each scored by Bobby and Kieran. Thanks to Ashwin, Aidan, Connor, Jerek, Kourosh, Oscar, James, Trevor, Zain, Kamron, Max and Kieran for their hard work this season!

7th Grade Girls Basketball won against Kennedy 41-26 to finish undefeated for the regular season. Great offense by Audrey, Stephanie, Kaitlyn, and Ellie. Great hustle by Alyssa, Janvi and Lydia. The team will play its first playoff game at home on
Tuesday. Hope to see you there. 


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