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February 24, 2015

Attention 8th grade students heading to Mountain View High School and Los Altos High School next year:
Complete your registration for high school classes for next year. You MUST register by this Thursday, Feb. 26th.

The Foothill Symphonic Winds recently announced the recipient of the Nick Stumbaugh Memorial Award for a deserving music student at Blach Intermediate School, at which the Foothill Symphonic Winds rehearses. Seventh grader Stephanie E. has been selected for the award, receiving a scholarship for music lessons at the Community School of Music and Arts in Mountain View. Congratulations Stephanie!

The Cookie Club should plan to meet in Mrs Honigman’s room at lunch today.

Don’t forget to buy your “A NIGHT IN PARIS” dance tickets today at lunch!

Noon league will continue today at lunch with a 1:00 pm game between Honigman and Mather. All 7 of your players must be present to begin the game.

Beginning next week, the Ball Shack will be using a new system for equipment check out. If you plan to check something out, you will need your Blach Student ID. This ID will be held until you return what you checked out. No ID? You can purchase a special Ball Shack ID for $1.00 or get a new student ID from the office for $5.00. Again, starting next week, all equipment must be checked out with your Blach ID.



Girls soccer and boys basketball practice today after school. 


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