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February 27, 2015

February’s teacher MVPs are Mrs. Chron and Mrs. Mather! Congratulations on being such great teachers! For all of their efforts during the year, students have nominated Mrs. Chron as their 7th grade MVP and Mrs. Mather as their 8th grade MVP. They will receive their nominations from students, a starbucks gift card, and a certificate of achievement. Thanks for all of your hard work, and congrats on being Blach’s first teacher MVP’s! Keep doing an amazing job!

Today is the big day! The Night in Paris dance will be held in the Multi from 7-9. The tickets will be sold at brunch, lunch and right after school. There will be a limited number sold at the door for $8. If you plan to come late or leave early, this needs to re arranged with Mrs McGonagle, Mrs MacKenzie or Mrs Honigman AHEAD of time. Be sure to bring extra money for the french cafe and extra raffle ticket. This will be a very special night so get those tickets while they are still at the regular price.

Due to conflicts, the Noon League game between Kane and Hickman has been postponed until Monday at lunch.

Congratulations to Blach’s 2015 MATHCOUNTS team. Andrew, Nithin, Rushil, Devon, Nakul, Miles, Justin, Trevor, Alex and Rohan will be competing tomorrow in Redwood City at the Peninsula Division Mathcounts Competition against 25 other schools. We

wish them great success!!

The rules haven't changed since our return from break--you still must WALK your bike or scooter across the bridge at the back of Blach!!!!


Board Game Club will not be meeting in C1 today because of the Science Test today.



The 8th grade boys basketball team defeated Columbia 64-30, last night. Sebastian P. and Cooper F. led the team with great offensive plays, while Zach M. and Aaron A. had strong rebounding performances. Great effort by the 8th grade boys team!

7th Grade Boys Basketball won against Columbia yesterday 72-24. Player of the game was Jason. Great offense by Jake and Peter. Great defense by Eric. 


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