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April 22, 2015 Syndicated from District

Breaking news about movie night on Friday. As you know this is YOUR chance to make a difference since the proceeds go to charity. We will begin the big event at 6:30 pm rather than 7 because of the length of the movies. The BBQ menu will include nachos and cheese, bacon wrapped and regular hot dogs, veggie burgers as well as drinks, popcorn and chips. We will be showing Big Hero Six and the Amazing

Spiderman. Bring your lawn chairs to sit on and be ready to have a great time. Tickets will be sold all week on the stage at lunch. We can’t be a success without YOU!

Students: The second to the last hot lunch window is broken. If your last name is between O and Z, you will use the far right line.

Hey Blach! The creative writing class has published Issue 10 of Falcon Feed. Take a look at the students’ entertaining stories and poems as well as the creative illustrations by the art class. Will you dare to enter room 50 of the Marriott Hotel? What happens to Josie? What happens when the enemy fires shots at Kyle and his comrades? Where is Willow Richardson? What is the sound coming from Alex’s room? Read Falcon Feed today; look for Issue 10 on Blach’s website. Happy Reading!



Good luck to Blach’s track and Field team as they travel to Kennedy after school for a tri-meet with Kennedy and McAuliffe. Athletes need to meet outside the front of school by 3:15 to ride the busses. Only those who have registered and paid the bus fee will be able to travel.

Yesterday Blach’s tennis team had a close match against Fisher losing 3-6. Great wins by Brandon playing singles and Tim, Saiyash, Nico and Coral playing doubles!! Next match is tomorrow against Miller at Mountain View HS. 


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