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May 12, 2015

7th and 8th grade Band (periods 3rd and 7th) you have an express line for hot lunch today’s line up practice at lunchtime.

Hey Blach! You won’t need to look far to find great stories to read. The creative writing class has published Issue 11 of Falcon Feed. Take a look at the creative stories, poems, and illustrations inside our recent issue. Go to Blach’s website today! Happy Reading!

8th graders: Graduation Speaker Tryouts are TODAY during lunch in room D-4. We will need to get started immediately, so please arrive at the beginning of lunch. Bring your speech and lunch with you.

All those students planning on participating in the Los Altos Pet Parade this Saturday will meet with Mrs Honigman at the beginning of lunch tomorrow! Bring your lunches and plan to come to room F4.

OK 8th Graders it's almost time for the Grad Party. The date is Friday, May 29. The time is 7-10pm and the location is the Blach Multi.
There will be games, prizes, dancing, food and tons of fun! Please bring your form and check to the office this week!

8th Graders: Don’t forget to get your Raging Waters Form in!

If you like ice cream, listen up! Mr. Maye’s third period class is hosting a school-wide school supply drive for the organization Develop Africa. We need your help! Now is your chance to give back and help kids your age who are less fortunate than you. If you have new or gently used school supplies, bring them into your homeroom class anytime next week - May 18-22. We will be sending out lists of accepted school supplies, because the homeroom that collects the most school supplies will win an ice cream party!



Good luck to our Blach track and field athletes who will be traveling to Graham today for the league finals. All athletes leaving early from school need to check in with their 7th period teacher then head over to the locker rooms to get ready. Carpools will leave around 2:25.

The locker rooms will not be open 


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