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May 13, 2015

There will be a mandatory and very important meeting today at lunch for all those participating in the Los Altos Pet Parade. Plan to meet in Mrs Honigman’s room F4 at the beginning of lunch.

8th graders: Graduation Speaker Tryouts will continue today during lunch. All those trying out, including those who gave their speech yesterday, are to report to room D-4 at the start of lunch. Bring your speech and lunch with you.

8th Graders: It's almost time for the Grad Party. The date is Friday, May 29. The time is 7-10pm and the location is the Blach Multi.
There will be games, prizes, dancing, food and tons of fun! Please bring your form and check to the office by Friday, May

8th Graders: Don’t forget to get your Raging Waters Form in!

If you like ice cream, listen up! Mr. Maye’s third period class is hosting a school-wide school supply drive for the organization Develop Africa. We need your help! Now is your chance to give back and help kids your age who are less fortunate than you. If you have new or gently used school supplies, bring them into your homeroom class anytime next week - May 18-22. We will be sending out lists of accepted school supplies, because the homeroom that collects the most school supplies will win an ice cream party!


Only three weeks left in the Blach Club Site! We have changed it to 3 winners, but each get $10 instead of $5 to House of Bagels! It's quick and easy, and all you have to do is sign up for the site - easy! Sign up now! Go to the Blach site and click on the Clubs button on the site. Good luck!



Great job by our track and field athletes who competed in yesterday’s league
finals. Many of them set personal records in their events. Erik Jones and Anson Bridges qualified for today’s hurdle finals and CarrieYih, Nicole Guibord, Ilona Sullivan and Jake Stratz qualified for today’s 100 finals. Congratulations to Maddie Komo, Matteo Gobry who both placed 8th in the 1600 and Chloe Olsen, Amber Fry and Maddy Hamilton who finished 2-3-4 in the 8th grade girls 1600. All field results, as well as today’s races, will be posted in the locker rooms tomorrow. Good luck to all athletes who are competing today.

League Finals participants should leave 6th period at 2:10 today. 


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