Blach Intermediate School

Blach Library

General Science Resources

Khan Academy
Provides hundreds of short lessons via U-Tube.  Lessons cover Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry are more.
Web Periodic Table of the Elements
Very thorough and easy to use Periodic Table of the Elements. Just keep clicking for more and more information on your favorite elements! From England.
Periodic Table of Comics
From the University of Kentucky, the Periodic Table of the Elements is presented through comic book characters.
Periodic Tables of the Elements
Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Visual Periodic Table of Elements 
Very cool table of the elements from the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Science Daily
Links to the latest research and discovery stories in the various fields of Science. Allows searching of the collection.
The Scientist Magazine
Full-text news articles on subjects related to science from The Scientist Magazine.
Science News
Presents some of the recent developments in science.

Biological and Medical Science Resources

A Modern Herbal
Online version of a 1931 book about herbs, their uses and qualities. Includes lots of background information, including botanical name, family, habitat, and uses.
Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Sources
This gateway is managed by the Hardin Hospital at the University of Iowa. They "list the sites that list the sites" ... pages have pointers to the most complete and frequently cited lists in each subject.
Centers for Disease Control
Lots of information about disease and health from this government agency. Includes these sections: Diseases , Health Risks , Prevention Guidelines and Strategies, Travelers' Health, and more.
Yahoo! Health: Medicine
Links to lots of Internet resources related to medicine and diseases.
Marine Biological Lab
The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) was established in 1888, devoted to research and education in basic biology. Lewis Thomas, author of The Lives of a Cell, has called the MBL "the uniquely national center for biology in this country." Scientists and students throughout the world come to the MBL to conduct research, teach, study, and collaborate with other scientists.
A Gene Map of the Human Genome
Human genes mapped here. Images have been chosen to illustrate the myriad aspects of human biology, pathology, and relationships with other organisms that can be revealed by analysis of genes and their protein products.

Physical Science: Astronomical Resources

Planetary Sciences
If you enjoyed your visit to the Nine Planets (above), you will also like to visit the National Space Science Data Center, with its vast amount of information (including images) related to the U.S. Space Program. Organized according to subjects covered, including space mission projects, planets and satellites, etc.
International Space Station
NASA has produced this website to allow the public to stay up with the development of the International Space Station, which is scheduled to be started in 1998. Includes lots of pictures, plans and other information.
SETI Institute
Information about scientific research in the general field of Life in the Universe with an emphasis on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). " I think the SETI enterprise can best be understood as a kind of exercise in the archeology of the future." Physicist and philosopher Philip Morrison, MIT.

Physical Science: Earth Science Resources

Cascades Volcano Observatory
A great place top start your explorations about volcanos. Has lots of information freely available.
PLANTS: Plant Database Search
Search this database for common and scientific names of plants and data about them.
Garden Web
An interesting commercial site that has a variety of information related to gardening and plants.

Rocks and the Rock Cycle

From the University of Wisconsin, visuals and descriptions of the cycle.


What is the Rock Cycle?

From Louisiana State University


Physical Science: Earth Science- Weather Resources

The WeatherNet offers over a hundred links to weather-related sites on the Web. The most comprehensive list on the Web.
National Weather Service
The U.S. government weather website, offering Current Weather, Climatic Data, Weather News (Public Affairs), and related weather information.
The Weather Underground
Quick weather information for the world is available from this popular website. Click on a map for information on a state's weather and forecasts, or click and go to another country, region, or continent. Offers a searcher that will "Find the Weather for any City, State or Zipcode, or Country."
Yahoo! Weather
Yahoo! organizes a wide variety of weather information and services. Check the weather by ZipCode, get ski reports, weather maps and images, storm information, and other similar weather data.
Lycos Weather
A general starting place to find weather information for cities and countries the world. Click on a map, or enter the name of a city to obtain information.
The Daily Planet
Lots of weather information from the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois. Includes hypermedia instructional modules on how to understand meteorology.
A variety of weather information on the U.S. and the world, from the MSNBC network. Includes sections with ski reports, national parks, weather & health, and an almanac which provides historical weather information.
Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey
"NRL Monterey is the only scientific center in the Navy wholly dedicated to atmospheric research; conducting research and development to provide objective local, regional, and global atmospheric analysis and prediction as well as the development of automated weather interpretation systems; that is, the effect of atmospheric changes on naval communications and weapons systems."

Physical Science: Physics and Physicists

MathMol (Mathematics and Molecules) is designed to serve as an introductory starting point for those interested in the field of molecular modeling. Includes online hyper media textbooks for both elementary and high school students. Nicely illustrated and easy to use.
Physics Journals
Yahoo offers a collection of physics journals online. Choose those that sound interesting to you, and click to go there.
Nobel Winners and Laureates
This page contains the award winners with brief biographical information and a description of the discovery taken from the Nobel Foundation's text describing each Laureate's discovery and other sources.
Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics
A documented archive of information about women who have made original and important contributions to physics this century through 1975.
Emilio Segre Visual Archives (Physics)
The collection focuses on American physicists and astronomers of the twentieth century, but includes many scientists in Europe and elsewhere, in other fields related to physics, and in
earlier times.
The Center for History of Physics
Their mission is to preserve and make known the history of modern physics and allied sciences including astronomy, geophysics, optics, and the like. Note their online exhibits about Einstein and the Discovery of the Electron, and biographical data in the visual archives from physics.
Discovery of the Electron
Colorful and informative exhibition on the history of the electron, from the American Institute of Physics.
Einstein: Image and Impact
Award-winning exhibition on Albert Einstein's life and discoveries, from the American Institute of Physics.
Physics 109N: Galileo and Einstein
Online notes and links for Physics course at the University of Virginia. "The course explores two revolutions in our perception of the universe."

Anatomy and Physiology


General: Museums and Exhibitions of Science

The Exploratorium
Home page of the famous San Francisco Exploratorium.
Field Museum
The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois, is an educational institution concerned with the diversity and relationships in nature and among cultures. It provides collection-based research and learning for greater public understanding and appreciation of the world in which we live.
The Worldwide Museum of Natural History
Wide variety of information on the natural world, especially for geology and related fields.
The American Museum of Natural History
Many of these exhibitions here consist of objects and specimens not only from the American Museum of Natural History's own collections, but from museums and private collections from the world over, gathered together to tell a story of discovery and knowledge in the most compelling way possible.

General Exhibitions: Inventions and Inventors

Invention Dimension
The Invention Dimension highlights a different American inventor every week with a biographical sketch covering his or her accomplishments and their impact on society. Also an extensive list of related links to invention and innovation sites on the Web.
American Inventors and Inventions
An exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution features stories about a number of  important Americans inventions.

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