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The library will be closed at lunch today. We're sorry for the inconvenience!
ALL Cross Country runner will practice right after school today. Our first big race is tomorrow at Hyde against 10 other schools.
For those of you who were absent yesterday and missed PE can go by the Multi at lunch to have your picture taken.
7th and 8th grade girls softball have practice today after school.
All Cross Country runners should plan to practice after school TODAY. It is NOT too late to join the team. See you at 3:15 in F4.
Think Tank is up and running!! This is a place to study, do group work, catch up on homework, print homework, or just kick back and read a book. Located in our library, Think Tank is open from 3 to 4 daily except Fridays. Drop in!
Noon Study starts today. Please go to the head of the hot lunch line (show your Noon Study sheet to the hot lunch person), grab your lunch and come immediately to F2/Dr. Moerner’s room.
Students: If you have forgotten something from home please check the table in the front office. We do not deliver to the classroom.
Noon Study will begin THIS Wednesday in room F2 (Dr. Moerner's room). If a teacher sends you to Noon Study, this means that you immediately bring your lunch to F2, print your name and the teacher's name in the book, and get your work done!
Clubs today: Mural Club at the beginning of Brunch in A1.
Make Freddy Proud--please WALK your bike across the bridge at the back of Blach. This is true for both coming to Blach and leaving Blach!
ATTENTION all RUNNERS. Cross Country practice begins today in Mrs Honigman”s room -F4- at 3:15. You can be a part of all this great tradition even if you didn’t sign up in PE. Put your PE uniform and running shoes on and be ready to run.
The Friend to Friend Club : Meets again today at lunch in Dr. Judy’s lounge at the front of the school.
After school sports start on Monday after school.
The Friend to Friend Club starts today! Are you hoping to meet some new people? Are you new to the area and want to find some great friends? Join us all this week in Dr. Judy’s lounge at the front of the school. Games and treats provided.
Ball shack will not be open until Friday.
Think Tank!!! Yes, Think Tank begins today -- It's never too soon to
think! Think Tank is held in the library Mondays-Thursdays after school from 3:03-4:00. It's a place for study, collaboration, group work, project work or to kick back and enjoy a book.
Dear Blach Families,
A hearty welcome to Blach School for the 2014-2015 school year! We are excited about the start of school and are eagerly anticipating the arrival of both new and returning students. To get both you and your child prepared for a successful year, please read the following information carefully. It’s lengthy, but hopefully it is helpful and informative.
A Summer of Learning
Summer started off with a bang this year. We had almost the entire staff participate in a week-long training with the Krause Center for Innovation at the end of June, focusing on collaborative learning, project based learning, and the latest ed tech tools. I have never seen the teachers more excited! I know that many teachers have also been attending conferences, reading school-related books, planning updated units and projects, and working collaboratively together through this wonderful slower time. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be an exciting year of learning for everyone at Blach, including both students and staff, as we continue toward our district vision of revolutionizing learning for all students.
My own summer has been chock full of fun. We had two short family vacations in Tahoe and San Luis Obispo, and I finally visited Alcatraz after living in the Bay Area my entire life (fascinating!). Along with some travel, I have watched my Giants all summer long on their crazy rollercoaster ride, read a lot of amazing books (the YA novels have been my favorites this summer), and am well into season two of House of Cards (I am just a little bit obsessed!). My boys are also excited about the start of school. They’ll be starting 6th and 8th grade, finally back at the same school together (they’re not too excited about that part, really). For them, it’s been a summer of braces, outdoor movie nights, neighborhood nerf wars, and family fun.
Schedule Day
We will be holding Schedule Day on Friday, August 15th, for our students. We invite our in-coming 7th graders to come between 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM and our 8th graders to come between 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. The activities include picking up a schedule and planner, touring campus, and purchasing PE uniforms (we are asking for a $20 donation, cash or check) and spirit wear. If a student is unable to come by, a friend can pick up the schedule (accompanied with a parent note) and PE uniform, or please stop by the office on the 18th or 19th to get everything. We will not be having picture day during Schedule Day this year. See below for the details.
Please Note: Junior high students will not be allowed to pick up their schedules on August 15th if their InfoSnap update is not completed. Parents, we will have computers available in the library to fill out your InfoSnap and Blach back to school forms if you haven't already done so prior to this event. Be on the lookout: Parents should be looking for an email from with instructions about completing the InfoSnap Online Registration. It is recommended that you add to your contacts to prevent the email from going into spam folders.
School Pictures
School pictures will be taken during the school day on August 28th. You can order your pictures online through and use blach14 as the access code. Paper forms will also be available on the 15th. The online form can be found here as well. Please make sure you have ordered online or have your child bring a check on the 28th to order pictures. This picture is also used for the Blach Yearbook, and students will receive their ID cards on the 28th. There will be a make-up day for pictures on October 2nd.
Block Schedule
After our block schedule pilot last year, the staff decided to give it a go for this school year. I am excited at the possibilities it will bring for students, especially as we look at our #1 LASD goal of meeting the individual learning needs of all students. With that in mind, our daily bell schedule has changed for Wednesdays and Thursdays, our block days. School still begins at 8:30 and gets out at 3:03 each day, except Wednesday. Our late start Wednesday time is 9:17 to 3:03. Our first day of school is a block schedule day, with students only attending periods 2, 4, and 6. They will start the day in their homeroom "Falcon Time" class at 9:17am (more Falcone Time info to come). Your can view the new bell schedule here.
Hot Lunch
The link to order hot lunch is ready to go and orders will begin on August 11th! If you would like your child to have hot lunch at Blach, it can be ordered here. This link can also be found on the Blach Website under the Lunch tab, along with more detailed information, including information about receiving free or reduced lunch. Again this year, we are offering hot lunch for the first day of school!
Hot Lunch Volunteers Needed - A message from our Hot Lunch volunteer coordinator
First, I want to thank everyone that has already volunteered to serve hot lunch this year. I love our community! We do, however, need two more volunteers for every other Thursday. If you would like to be part of this crew and get involved with one of the few regular volunteering opportunities, please let me know at We also are very much in need of LOTS of substitutes. It is very difficult to feed our Blach students in a timely manner without complete crews. If you can help out occasionally, we would really appreciate it. Please contact me at and let me know what days work for you as a substitute. Kelly Toshach and I are also looking for a seventh grade parent to be a part of our Hot Lunch Committee. You will mainly handle the vendor relationship side of things but then be able to carry on in 8th grade once Kelly and I graduate out. Please contact us if you are interested. It's a great way to meet so many fabulous Blach parents and be a part of a very important fundraiser for our PTA! Many thanks! Leslie Bosset
Back to School PTA Coffee
The Blach PTA will be holding a welcome Back to School PTA Coffee on Thursday, August 21, from 9:00 - 10:00AM in the school Multi. We hope that both new and returning parents will come to this event. You will learn about volunteer opportunities, our school goals, and have an opportunity to meet new people. It will also be a chance for you to meet our counselor, Dr. Judy Rothenberg, our PTA co-presidents, Mrinalini Sharma and Valeria Klazura, and me. We hope to have a large turnout for this great beginning of school event!
Back to School Night
Blach's Back to School Night is Wednesday, August 27th. The event starts in the multi at 6:45 PM where we will have a short meeting introducing our PTA board, LAEF representatives, and school administration. When the bell rings at 7:00 PM, you are off to visit your child's teachers for the rest of the evening. Please make sure to mark this important event on your calendars. There will also be a minimum day on Friday, August 29th. Students will be dismissed from school at 12:30 PM on that day.
Teacher Updates
We welcome Mr. Paul Ramirez to our staff as he joins our PE/Health program. He will be working closely with Pat Koren and Steve Kane and also be teaching one section of Study Hall. Paul is a new teacher out of SJSU, with amazing recommendations from his professors and master teachers, and I have no doubt that he will bring some great new ideas to an already solid Physical Education program. Please welcome Paul to the Blach community when you see him.
New Family Outreach - a message from our outreach PTA chairperson
I'd like to welcome you to our wonderful district and assure you that you've picked a great school for your first year here. I've had three kids go through Blach, my youngest will be in eighth grade this year, and given my own middle school memories I was really nervous when my oldest started. Each of my children are very different and they have all absolutely loved Blach. I know the beginning of the school year can be stressful, and if you're new to the area and have left neighbors or friends behind who could have answered your questions, I'd be happy to fill in for them here. You'll be getting lots of great information about the district before and during the Back to School coffee. However, the kids pick up their schedules on August 15th, and if you have questions you'd like to ask a Blach parent before then, or if your kids would like to meet (and question) some incoming 7th or 8th grade students, please feel free to give me a call. If I don't hear from you before school starts I look forward to meeting you at the Back to School coffee. Fondly ~ Lara Daetz 650.996.4043 (cell)
School Supplies
Our suggested back to school supply list can be found here and is still being updated by teachers. If you cannot find a particular teacher, do not worry, as he or she will let your child know what supplies might be needed during the first week of school. Students will be fine on Day One as long as they have their planner, pens/pencils, and some binder paper.
PTA Back to School Forms
Please take some time to complete the annual Back to School PTA online packet. You can access the forms here. Your code to begin is BlachSchool2014 (cap sensitive). It should take roughly 15 minutes and we ask that you complete the forms in one sitting. Becoming a member of the PTA and supporting the direct ask has a direct impact on the type of programs and experiences we are able to offer our Blach students this year. In addition to all of the amazing curriculum and project support, we are asking our PTA this year for some BIG support for technology purchases to increase student computer access at Blach as we continue to design new learning for students that is relevant, engaging, and hands-on. I do hope you are willing to contribute to this worthy cause. Many more details to come!
I want to thank you so much for your support of Blach School through both the PTA and LAEF. I am continually amazed by the dedication and commitment of the families within our community. We will be providing a meaningful outstanding junior high school program to a record 527 Blach Falcons this year. I know that the staff is very thankful as well for all you do to support the teaching and learning at Blach. Junior High is the time for a very fine balance between building independence and family support and guidance. I urge you to get involved in the PTA, attend Parent Education nights, volunteer if able, check Powerschool to monitor your child’s learning progress, stop by for lunch with the students, and stay connected with your child’s teachers. Your presence on campus is important. I will be sending out a weekly Blach Banner newsletter jointly with PTA – this is a great way for you to stay connected!
On behalf of the entire Blach Staff, we look forward to the start of school on Wednesday, August 20th. Remember, Wednesday is a late start block day and school doesn't start until 9:17 AM. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the office: (650) 934-3800. Whether you are back at Blach with your last child or this is your first adventure into junior high territory, please know that we are here for you. It is truly an honor to be your principal. I cannot speak highly enough of our amazing staff, our ready-to-learn students, and our supportive Blach community. Together, we are capable of doing tremendous things. Please do not ever hesitate to stop by.
Here’s to a great 2014-2015 school year!
Sandra McGonagle
Principal | Blach Intermediate School | 650.934.3800
It's a GREAT time to be a Falcon!
@smcgon @BlachFalcons
HOT LUNCH: California Roll, Chicken Caesar Salad, Chicken Noodle Soup, Tri Tip Sandwich.
Good luck to the Blach athletes who will be competing in today’s track and field league finals. Those going on the bus need to go directly to the locker rooms after six periods and be on the bus by 2:25 for the trip up to Graham.
HOT LUNCH: Cheese Pizza and Veggie Pizza
Boys basketball and girls soccer practice today
3/12/25 12:57 AM