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Blach Falcons, this is your LAST CHANCE to order your yearbook for the low introductory price of just $35! Orders are due by the end of the week. You can turn in your orders OR grab an extra order form in the office or Mrs. Hickman’s room, D-
2. Don’t delay; the price goes up to $40 in January.
Mmm.... what says winter more than a gingerbread house? We’re celebrating the fourth day of winter with a humongous gingerbread house homeroom building contest. Bring your houses to the quad Thursday by lunch. Please refer to the 5 days of WInter packet
each homeroom received to see your house placement. Happy building!
Blach’s faculty has challenged the 8th grade girls and boys volleyball team members to a match for bragging rights. The game will take place today rain or shine. If weather permits it will take place on the blacktop. If it rains then it will be in the multi
Both girls basketball teams have practice today after school.
Make sure you sign up for the Where’s Rudolph Scavenger Hunt by Wednesday. You can sign up in groups of 3. Sign ups will be on the stage.
Girls basketball practice today.
Boys soccer practice in the multi today after school. Girls basketball practice in the city gym.
Blach Falcons: Now is the time to order your yearbook! For the month of December only, you can preorder your yearbook for just $35. This is the lowest price available; prices will go up in January! Turn in your order to the big box in the office or in Mrs. Hickman’s room D-2. Extra order forms are available there as well. Visit the yearbook sales table during lunch if you have any questions. Don’t delay; order now! Extra ordering forms are in the office.
LAYC Dance tonight at 7:30.
Musicians: At the seven minute bell of period 4 leave your class and report for warmup for today’s period E performance. Musicians to the band room, singers to the multi.
Hey Blach! Short stories, poems, and novel excerpts. Where can find these? The creative writing class has just published Issue 5 of Falcon Feed. Go to Blach’s website today and read the students’ intriguing stories and poems. Inside the issue, you will also find creative illustrations by the art class. Happy reading!
All 8th Grade Band Students are required to meet briefly with Mr. Lewis in the multi during brunch in preparation for today’s assembly concert. This is a mandatory meeting.
Congratulations to Rushil for finishing 4th in the county wrestling tournament yesterday. The season is now officially over so lets celebrate with one last get together. All wrestlers are invited to a pizza party after school today on Blach’s stage. Plan on being there for about a half hour.
Boys soccer and girls basketball have their first games of the season next Thursday. All participants need to register with the recreation department in order to play. Be sure and get a registration packet from Mrs. Koren or Mr. Kane if you have not done so yet.
Blach Falcons: Now is the time to order your yearbook! For the month of December only, you can preorder your yearbook for just $35. This is the lowest price available; prices will go up in January! Turn in your order to the big box in the office or in Mrs. Hickman’s room D-2. Extra order forms are available there as well. Visit the yearbook sales table during lunch if you have any questions. Don’t delay; order now! Extra ordering forms are in the office.
Congratulations to Mr. Lewis, our Community Jazz Band players, and our 7th grade band and orchestra students. They gave a terrific concert last night. Tonight the Chorus and 8th grade instrumental groups are performing.
In NOON LEAGUE today the games are: Dewberry vs Ramirez and Mrs Kane vs Moerner. Be on the court by 1:15.
Due to the storm, the Ball Shack and Student Store will be closed today. Also, the club that usually meets in Mrs Honigman’s room at lunch will NOT be meeting.
Hey Blach! Short stories, poems, and novel excerpts. Where can find these? The creative writing class has just published Issue 5 of Falcon Feed. Go to Blach’s website today and read the students’ intriguing stories and poems. Inside the issue, you will also find creative illustrations by the art class. Happy reading!
Girls basketball practice today until 4:30.
Girls: please return volleyball uniforms to Mrs. Koren.
Good luck to Rushil Arora today as he competes in the County Wrestling finals. On Tuesday Rushil Arora finished qualified for this tournament by finishing 2nd in our section.
No soccer practice today. All players need to see Mr. Kane to pick up the registration packet.
This week is Computer Education Week and all students are invited to participate in Hour of Code activities, and the theme this year is collaborative coding. Your parents have been invited to come into the computer lab –Room A2 at lunch and code with you. Lessons are provided if needed. Enjoy creative coding together!
Blach Falcons: Now is the time to order your yearbook! For the month of December only, you can preorder your yearbook for just $35. This is the lowest price available; prices will go up in January! Order forms were emailed home! Turn in your order to the big box in the office or in Mrs. Hickman’s room D-2. Extra order forms are available there as well. Visit the yearbook sales table during lunch if you have any
questions. Don’t delay; order now!
NOON LEAGUE for today: Shepherd vs Foy and Hickman vs Koren
Girls basketball and boys soccer tryouts begin today. Girls meet in the city gym and boys on the bleachers near the soccer field.
Good luck to Rushil Arora and Nick Kikuta today as they wrestle in the Sectional Wrestling Tournament where the top 6 wrestlers from twenty school are competing. Boys soccer tryouts conclude today.
The next LAYC Dance is Friday, December 12 at 7:30 PM. You must have a membership in order to attend- no individual dance tickets are sold. Remember to follow your schools dress code at LAYC Dances! RSVP by the day of the dance at 6 PM. With a membership you can bring 2 guests. All guests must be registered before the dance. If you don’t have a membership, come to the Hillview Recreation office to purchase. See you there!
Congratulations to Ethan N. for becoming champion of his weight class in the JV wrestling tournament.
Girls basketball and boys soccer tryouts begin today. Girls meet in the city gym and boys on the bleachers near the soccer field.
There will be NO Noon Study today because it is the Holiday Faire. Come and see us on Monday, however, and we will have your exams and homework ready for you!
Chorus will meet in the French room today, G2.
Girls basketball tryouts are next Monday and Tuesday after school. both tryouts.
All girls volleyball uniforms should be returned to Mrs. Koren today!
You MUST attend
Blach’s varsity wrestlers did an excellent job representing Blach yesterday in the league finals wrestling tournament. Both Nick Kikuta and Rushil Arora qualified for the Sectional tournament on next Tuesday by taking second in their weight classes. Aaron Sonnentag and Nate Asay will be alternates for the tournament as they finished
4th. Though Jarred Krawitz, Alex Brett, Conrad Haeckl and Sam Holleran did not get into the top four they all wrestled their best matches against the top wrestlers in the league. Good luck to Ethan Nhieu and Aidan Krames who will wrestle in today’s Junior Varsity tournament at Hyde.
Reminder to all boys trying out for soccer to bring cleats and shin guards on Monday.
Blach Falcons: It’s time to order your 2014-2015 Blach yearbook! Extra order forms are in the office. There is a box in the office to turn them in or in Mrs. Hickman’s room D2. Don’t delay- order your yearbook NOW!
Due to the Holiday Faire tomorrow, there will be NO Noon Study on Friday. The last day that it is offered this week will be TODAY!
Noon League is on for today- weather permitting. The games are: Honigman vs Ramirez + Greenbaum vs Maye. Be ready to go by1:15.
The Holiday Faire is tomorrow!! Check-in for student vendors begins at 7 am tomorrow. The Faire will be open to the public at 1:00 pm, so don't forget to bring a lunch!
Girls basketball tryouts are next Monday and Tuesday after school. both tryouts.
All girls volleyball uniforms should be returned to Mrs. Koren today!
You MUST attend
Blach Falcons: It’s time to order your 2014-2015 Blach yearbook! Extra order forms are in the office. There is a box in the office to turn them in or in Mrs. Hickman’s room D2. Don’t delay- order your yearbook NOW!
Mrs Honigman’s original Falcon Time homeroom should plan to meet briefly in Mrs Honigman’s room at lunch today. Don’t be late.
"Weirdos United” club is canceled today.
The 7th grade girls fought hard in the end, but ran up against a tough opponent in the league volleyball playoffs against Miller last night. Congrats to both the 7th and 8th grade teams as well as the coaches, Mr. Ramirez and Mrs. Koren. Go Falcons, go!
All blach wrestlers attending either the varsity league finals on Thursday or the JV tournament on Friday need to be at today’s practice in order to wrestle. Reminder that weigh ins take place at the end of practice.
Boys soccer and girls basketball tryouts are next Monday and Tuesday. Please sign up in the locker rooms.
Blach Falcons: It’s time to order your 2014-2015 Blach yearbook! The yearbook staff is hard at work creating the most spectacular yearbook Blach has ever seen, and you’ll want to make sure you have yours at the end of the school year, so order now! Order forms will be emailed home to parents today, and may be turned in starting tomorrow to the office or Mrs. Hickman’s room, D-2. Don’t delay- order your yearbook NOW!
Congratulations to Blach for donating a total of 2,876 cans to the Food Drive. Every homeroom received at least one point for participating. Here are the highly anticipated results for the homerooms.... Third place goes to Mr. Dewberry’s homeroom for 17.48 cans per student. In second place is Mrs. Mather’s homeroom with 22.26 cans per student. With 32.68 cans per person, first place is awarded to.... *drumroll please* MRS. HONIGMAN’S CLASS!!! All points will be distributed by the end of the day, including the points for the Turkey Trot. Thank you everyone for showing your holiday spirit and donating to the canned food drive.
Hey Blach! Did you know that November was National Novel Writing
Month? Thousands of people throughout the U.S. participated by writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Please join me in congratulating three of Blach’s students who took on the challenge: Alex Hague, Daphne Ih, and Rachel Soetarman. These talented young writers remained dedicated throughout the process and succeeded in writing over 50,000 words. When you see Alex, Daphne, and Rachel, be sure to congratulate them on their novel.
All 8th grade girls volleyball uniforms should be returned to Mrs. Koren today.
Girls basketball tryouts: Monday, Dec. 8th and Tuesday Dec. 9th after school until 4:30. You MUST attend both tryout days.
Attention students. Because of the Holiday Faire this Friday, we will be having a minimum day with a 12:30 dismissal – no hot lunch will be served. If you are selling at the Faire, you can go directly to the Multi at 12:30 to prepare your booth and eat your lunch from home. If you are not selling at the Faire, we ask that you leave campus and return for shopping sometime between 1 and 4 pm.
3/12/25 7:09 AM