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The next big Blach dance of the year will be held Friday, February 27th in the Multi from 7 to 9. The theme is A NIGHT IN PARIS. This promises to be a very special night and because of that, we encourage everyone to dress up. (this is not required of
course). Normally the tickets are $5 but TODAY, in conjunction with the Dance Off we will be selling them for $3.00 each. Students who buy a ticket TODAY will be eligible for a special prize at the dance itself. This discounted rate is for one day only- after the break they will be the normal price. We will also be having several raffles at the dance for gift cards, teddy bears and movie tickets. Raffle tickets will be available for $1.00 each when you buy your dance ticket.
Don't forget to enter our library contest! Our winner might win freshly gown kale, a brand new book from an award winning author, or a goldfish. Winner will be announced the Wednesday after Presidents' Week.
Today 2 exciting things will be happening: A Night in Paris dance tickets will be on sale for a discount price of $3 at the table next to the stage and the 1st Fun Friday Dance Off of the second semester will take place at lunch in the quad.
Noon League is on for today. The first soccer game of the season will be LOPEZ vs MOERNER/VAN DE VANTER beginning at 1:15. You must have your entire team present to play.
The FUN FRIDAY “Dance Off” is on for Friday. One or two dancers from each homeroom will compete for homeroom points on the stage at lunch. The weather promises to be great, so be sure to come out and support you homeroom.
The next big Blach dance of the year will be held Friday, February 27th in the Multi from 7 to 9. The theme is A NIGHT IN PARIS. This promises to be a very special night and because of that, we encourage everyone to dress up. (this is not required of
course). Normally the tickets are $5 but THIS Friday, in conjunction with the Dance Off we will be selling them for $3.00 each. Students who buy a ticket on Friday will be eligible for a special prize at the dance itself. This discounted rate is for one day only- after the break they will be the normal price. We will also be having several raffles at the dance for gift cards, teddy bears and movie tickets. Raffle tickets will be available for $1.00 each when you buy your dance ticket.
All girls basketball players should return their uniform to Mrs. Koren as soon as possible.
The 7th and 8th grade girls soccer teams will have practice after school today.
CONTEST TIME! In anticipation of an a-MA-zing author visiting Blach next week, we're holding a contest! Come to the library during brunch or lunch and answer 5 questions. Yes, Prizes will be awarded: You might win an I Phone, a puppy, or an unbelievable book.
Students: Please do not ride your bike while texting/or on your phone. This is for your safety and others.
The 8th grade girls soccer tryouts conclude today. The 7th grade girls soccer team has practice today. Boys basketball practice after school today.
CONTEST TIME! In anticipation of an a-MA-zing author visiting Blach next week, we're holding a contest! Beginning Wednesday, come to the library during brunch or lunch and answer 5 questions. Yes, Prizes will be awarded: You might win an I Phone, a puppy, or a dynamite book.
Girls soccer tryouts continue today. You must attend both days of tryouts. No 8th grade girls tryouts today.
Boys tryouts continue today after school in the big gym by 3:15.
The FABULOUS FUN FRIDAY dance off will be THIS Friday at lunch. Get ready for the fun!
Noon League soccer will begin this Thursday with one 7th grade game which will be announced tomorrow.
Girls soccer tryouts are Monday and Tuesday (2/9 and 2/10) for 7th grade and Monday and Wednesday (2/9 and 2/11) for 8th grade on the field. You must attend both days of tryouts.
Boys tryouts begin today after school in the big gym by 3:15.
A huge congratulations to talented 8th grader Justin N., with awesome support from Mr. Lewis. Justin has been selected to play trumpet in the CA All-State Honor Band. This is a huge accomplishment – we are proud that Justin will be representing Blach School later this month in a special concert.
Girls soccer tryouts are Monday and Tuesday (2/9 and 2/10) for 7th grade and Monday and Wednesday (2/9 and 2/11) for 8th grade. You must attend both days of tryouts.
Please turn in all girls basketball uniforms to Mrs. Koren
Boys basketball tryouts Monday and Tuesday of next week. Be sure to sign up in the locker room.
7th and 8th grade boys soccer teams will have a end of season party in the Multi after school today.
Friday, February 6 is the next LAYC Dance! Doors open at 6 PM and RSVPs are due by 6 PM. Still haven’t been to a LAYC ? Memberships are available for $49 for the last 4 dances of the year! You can pick one up at the Recreation Office. See you on Friday.
If you have 8th graders in Falcon Time, please collect nominations TODAY for yearbook’s personality poll! Thanks for your help with this.
Beginning this week the Student Store will be following a new schedule. Mondays and Wednesdays we will open at lunch and will sell student store merchandise. On Tuesdays and Thursdays at brunch we will be selling food. Come and see what’s new at the Student Store.
Due to weather related issues, the Fun Friday Dance Off will be held next week on Monday or Tuesday. Be sure to send your competitor’s name to Leadership and stay tuned for updates.
Girls soccer tryouts are Monday and Tuesday (2/9 and 2/10) for 7th grade and Monday and Wednesday (2/9 and 2/11) for 8th grade. You must attend both days of tryouts.
Please turn in all girls basketball uniforms to Mrs. Koren
All boys soccer team players are invited to a post season party in the multi after school this Friday. Plan on it lasting to around 4:15.
Boys basketball tryouts Monday and Tuesday of next week. Be sure to sign up in the locker room.
Students: This is just a reminder that if you forgot anything at home (lunch, homework, P.E, clothes) please check the large table in the front office. We will NOT deliver to the classrooms.
Speech and Debate will meet in Mrs. Waxman’s room (D1) today after 7th period. Come and join us even if you missed the first couple of meetings.
Friday, February 6 is the next LAYC Dance! Doors open at 6 PM and RSVPs are due by 6 PM. Still haven’t been to a LAYC ? Memberships are available for $49 for the last 4 dances of the year! You can pick one up at the Recreation Office. See you on Friday.
If you have 8th graders in Falcon Time, please collect nominations TODAY for yearbook’s personality poll! Thanks for your help with this.
Girls soccer tryouts are Monday and Tuesday (2/9 and 2/10) for 7th grade and Monday and Wednesday (2/9 and 2/11) for 8th grade. You must attend both days of tryouts.
Speech and Debate will meet in Mrs. Waxman’s room (D1) tomorrow after 7th period. Come and join us even if you missed the first couple of meetings.
Friday, February 6 is the next LAYC Dance! Doors open at 6 PM and RSVPs are due by 6 PM. Still haven’t been to a LAYC ? Memberships are available for $49 for the last 4 dances of the year! You can pick one up at the Recreation Office. See you on Friday.
Girls soccer tryouts are Monday and Tuesday (2/9 and 2/10) for 7th grade and Monday and Wednesday (2/9 and 2/11) for 8th grade. You must attend both days of tryouts.
The 8th grade girls will play at Hyde today in the basketball semi-finals. The 7th grade girls will host Graham today in the basketball semi-finals.
Last call for getting your yearbook order in. Please turn in your money/
Attention Ms. Greenbaum’s photography students. Go to Ms. Greenbaum’s room at brunch today to pick up your portfolios.
8th graders: Tomorrow morning 1st period you will meet with the high school counselors. Go directly to your assigned room at the start of school, Room assignments are posted in your core classrooms, in the office and on the library door.
Speech and Debate will meet in Mrs. Waxman’s room (D1) on Wednesday after 7th period. Come and join us even if you missed the first couple of meetings.
Good luck to the 7th grade boys soccer team who travel to Cupertino for a first round playoff game.
3/12/25 12:41 AM