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Attention 8th graders, Yosemite hiking group and cabin group lists will be posted on Monday morning. Also on Monday there will be a MANDATORY Yosemite meeting during lunch for all those attending the trip. Grab your lunch and head to the multi!
Today is the best Spirit Day yet!!! The floats will be judged at lunch AND the tickets for the Halloween dance “THRILLER” go on sale today for a special Friday price of
$3.00. Next week they will be sold for $5.00. So be sure to buy TODAY while you are watching the exciting float contest.
Would the following girls return their softball uniforms to Mrs. Koren today: ANDREA C., ANGELA P., ANGEL M., JULIA D., MAGGIE E., TANYA S., SARA C., ASHLEY F., MEZI, LUCY M., ERIN M., NOA R., LIBBY V.
Big day today!!! The theme is TIE DYE and the event is The OBSTACLE COURSE out on the gassy area in the quad. Come out and watch the fun.
Tomorrow will be even bigger!! It will be FALCON DAY with the Homecoming Float Contest at lunch. On top of all that, we will start selling tickets for the Halloween Dance next Friday night. The theme is THRILLER and for tomorrow only, the tickets will be $3.00 rather than $5. So come out and watch the fun + buy your $3.00 THRILLER ticket. WOW!! It will be quite a day.
Hey Blach! The creative writing class has published its 2nd issue of Falcon Feed, an online literary magazine. This issue features intriguing and creative paragraphs, poems, and stories, as well as beautiful illustrations by the students in Mrs. Hsuan’s art
class. Falcon Feed can be found on Blach’s website. Go to Blach’s website today and check out issue 2. Happy reading!
The CROSS COUNTRY team will practice right after school today.
Today is the big day for PJs and tomorrow is Fairytale Day so come dressed as your imaginary self. There will be a “dragon “ event at lunchtime in the quad. Also...4 more days to get those Homecoming floats finished and ready to roll on Friday.
Don’t forget Friday is Green and Gold Day, and a chance for you to really show your school spirit! If you’re walking with your homeroom float, report behind Mrs. MacKenzie’s classroom, D3 at the start of lunch on Friday. You can park your floats in your designated area (marked by chalk) any time Friday morning. See you there!
Hey 8th graders: The Giving Back Club has designed T-Shirts! Each shirt is $20.00 each. The money goes to a local action of giving books to schools in need of better libraries. Come into Mrs. Waxman’s class during lunch to buy one now.
Due to the minimum day, there will be NO Noon Study today. Come back and see us tomorrow!
Students: Online registration for the holiday faire begins tomorrow! Come to the student meeting in the multi at 8:30 am tomorrow to learn more about the faire and how to sign-up online.
Girls volleyball tryouts will be today from 3:10 to 4:30. Wrestling practice from 3:00 to 4:30 today.
Just a reminder, students, that we have a Minimum Day on Tuesday with a 12:30 dismissal. There will be no Think Take after school.
WE will be celebrating TROPICAL DAY out in the quad at lunch. Bring your limbo skills and watch as all homerooms try to out do each other. Tomorrow will be PJ DAY and we will be looking for those outstanding outfits. Be sure to check the updated homeroom points list on both Mrs. Honigman’s and Mrs. MacKenzie’s front doors.
Girls volleyball tryouts will be today and tomorrow from 3:10 to 4:30. You MUST attend both days of tryouts.
Wrestling begins today in the multi after school. Plan on practicing until 4:40. See Mr. Kane if you have any questions.
The CROSS COUNTRY team will practice right after school today.
Next week is SPIRIT WEEK at Blach and there will be a theme and events each
day. Monday is TROPICAL DAY with a limbo contest at lunch in the quad. Everyone should plan to come dressed for the tropics!!
Want to jam to all of your favorite songs at lunch on Fridays?? The leave the Music Team a request in the music suggestion box right next to the music crew. Remember to keep your suggestions completely school appropriate.
Congratulations to Mrs Chron’s homeroom for their win yesterday in volleyball. They will move on to the Championship division. Mr. Kane and Lopez will also get a homeroom point for having all players ready to go and will move to the Consolation division.
Girls volleyball tryouts will be on Monday and Tuesday from 3:10 to 4:30. You MUST attend both days of tryouts.
Wrestling practice begins next week on Monday. Please sign up in the boys locker room or see Mr. Kane.
Hey Blach students and staff: Have you read the first issue of Falcon Feed? If not, go to Blach’s website today and click on Falcon Feed Volume 2, Issue 1. Inside the magazine you will find amazing poems and paragraphs by the creative writing class and illustrations by the art class. Be entertained! Be amazed! Be inspired! Read Falcon Feed today and support your friends. Happy reading!
Today’s NOON LEAGUE games are: Mr. Kane vs Chron and Lopez vs Maye. Be ready by 1:15!!
Want to jam to all of your favorite songs at lunch on Fridays?? The leave the Music Team a request in the music suggestion box right next to the music crew. Remember to keep your suggestions completely school appropriate.
The countdown is here: 8 more days until the BIG HOMECOMING PARADE next Friday. Be sure you homeroom’s float is ready.
The County CROSS COUNTRY qualifiers will practice right after school today. All girls Cross Country and Softball uniforms should be returned to Mrs. Koren.
Wrestling practice next week Mon through Thurs after school till 4:30. Make sure and sign up in the boys locker room or see Mr. Kane.
All boys volleyball team players are invited to a short pizza party after school today in the multi.
Students: LAYC Dance memberships will again be sold during Lunch today.
It's time to start thinking about the holiday faire! Be sure to read the flyer you receive today in homeroom with details about student meetings and when to sign up!
Hey Falcons, this Friday is College Day in Santa Clara County and Blach will be participating. Feel free to wear your favorite college gear and ask your teachers about their college experience.
Unfortuately the 7th grade girls softball team lost to Egan yesterday in the semi-finals. Congratulations to: SARA, STEPHANIE, ASHLEY, ELLIE, MEREMIZI, LUCY, ERIN, MAKAYLA, NOA, LIBBY AND SOPHIA FOR AN AWESOME SEASON.
The 8th grade softball team were defeated in a close and exciting play-off game this Tuesday at Crittenden. Ilona S. pitched a complete game with 6
strikeouts. Jessica D. caught a complete game behind the plate and did a great job blocking pitches. The Lady Falcons had 5 hits against a very tough pitcher, and 2 doubles were crushed by Ilona S. and Julia D.. Defensive web gems were made by Kae N. early in the game with a tremendous backhanded stab and perfect throw to get the batter out. Angel M. also had an awesome play on a line drive, then touched first base for an unassisted double play. Final season record was 9 wins, 3 losses.
The 8th grade boys volleyball team made a great run in the playoffs but could not get past Egan in yesterday’s semifinals. The match lasted four close and exciting
games. Thanks to Ian, Matthew, Andrew, Douglas, Kieran, James, Cooper, Sam, Ryan, Will, Nick, Sebastian and Yiming for a great season. There will be a pizza party for both the 7th and 8th grade volleyball players after school tomorrow from 3:00-4:00.
Girls volleyball tryouts will be Monday and Tuesday from 3:10pm till 4:30pm. You must attend both days of tryouts.
Wrestling practice begins next week on Monday. Please sign up in the boys locker room or see Mr. Kane.
Students: LAYC Dance memberships will again be sold during Lunch tomorrow. Extra forms are here in the office.
The NOON LEAGUE VOLLEYBALL games for today are: Lewis vs Liewer and Brusven vs Marquis. Be ready to go by 1:00!!!
Check the updated HOMEROOM POINTS totals on the charts posted in Mrs. Honigman’s and Mrs.Mackenzie’s sliding glass doors. This will be updated weekly so check often.
Both of the girls softball teams advanced to the semi-finals today. The 7th girls will play Egan at Egan.
The 8th girls will play Crittenden at Crittenden.
Good Luck!
The 8th grade boys played spectacularly yesterday defeating Miller in five close and exciting games. Great plays all around with exceptional court coverage. Today they are in the semifinals as they try to avenge an earlier loss against Egan. Car pools will leave shortly after the end of school.
Girls volleyball tryouts next Monday and Tuesday. Wrestling practice begins Monday. Sign ups are in the locker rooms.
Lots of new BlachBuster titles are now available to check out --- Drop in to the library and have a look!
Students: LAYC Dance memberships will again be sold here during Lunch on Wednesday. Extra forms are here in the office.
Giving Back club meets today at lunch. Come hear about Free the Children news and WE day.
The qualifiers for the COUNTY CROSS COUNTRY MEET will be practicing right after school today.
The CHICKEN LAUNCH is on for today at lunch. New sign ups will be accepted but we will be finishing last week’s list first.
Congratulations to Wade and Mrs. Kane for the volleyball wins yesterday. They will move on the the Championship bracket, FYI, the games on Tuesday are Lewis vs Liewer and Brusven vs Marquis.
It’s ready! It’s here! It’s Falcon Feed! The creative writing class has just published its first issue of Falcon Feed, an online literary magazine. Inside this issue, you will find narrative poems and descriptive paragraphs written by 15 students as well as illustrations by students in Mrs. Hsuan’s art class. Where can you find Falcon Feed? Go to Blach’s website and click on Falcon Feed Volume 2, Issue 1. Check out the magazine today! Happy reading!
Attention 8th graders, there are still a lot of you who have not signed up for your Yosemite cabin groups. Your final chances to sign up will be during the first 10 minutes of lunch and immediately after school until 3:15 today. If you do not sign up your cabin group will be assigned for you!
Students: LAYC Dance memberships will again be sold here during Lunch next Wednesday. Extra forms are here in the office.
Starting next Monday (Oct. 6th) after school, Blach will have a doubles tennis social from 3:15 - 4:30. Bring your own racket and be ready to play! See Mrs. Kane for more details.
The 8th grade girls will play Kennedy on Monday in the playoffs.
The 7th grade girls will play Sunnyvale at Sunnyvale Monday in the Playoffs.
Blach’s 8th grade team had their final match against top ranked Kennedy
yesterday. With their playoff hopes on the line the boys played their best all season and defeated Kennedy 3 games to 2. Great hits by Ian, Yaming, James and Cooper. Great job of setting by Will and Kieran and service runs by Nick and Douglas. The team will play Miller at Miller on Monday.
3/12/25 5:48 AM