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The big event for today is the 3 Legged Race. It will be for homeroom points and will begin promptly in the quad at 1:00. All teams should be ready to go.
Falcon Feed is back! The 2nd semester Creative Writing class has published its first issue. The magazine includes creative paragraphs and poems written by 13 students and captivating illustrations by students in art class. Go to Blach’s website today and look for Issue 7. Happy reading!
Congratulations to Mme. Wade and the students in Chorus. Last night they gave not one, but TWO, outstanding performances of Disney Dazzles – a Disney themed spectacular. Those Falcons can really sing!
Tennis tryouts begin next week! If interested in trying out, stop by Mrs. Kane’s room (C4) at brunch or lunch any day this week to sign up for a tryout date Monday – Wednesday next week. Tryouts will be from 3:10-4:30 on the tennis courts.
The 7th grade girls defeated Lawson yesterday 5 to 0. This brings their record to 3 wins and one loss.
7th Grade Boys Basketball won 58-41 against Lawson yesterday. Great offense by Jake and Saiyash.
In Lunch news: The Mountain View High School dance group “Dance Spectrum” will perform for Blach students and staff at lunch one day next week. Soooooo, mark your calendars ‘cuz the gym bleachers will be open and the music will be
thumpin’. What? When? Oh, in the big gym at lunch next Tuesday.
8th graders: Have you turned your Student Data Verification Sheet into the Front Office? They were due Feb. 27th but there is still time. You have until this Friday.
Tomorrow, March 6th is the next LAYC Dance!
Tennis tryouts begin next week! If interested in trying out, stop by Mrs. Kane’s room (C4) at brunch or lunch any day this week to sign up for a tryout date Monday – Wednesday next week. Tryouts will be from 3:10-4:30 on the tennis courts.
In Lunch news: The Mountain View High School dance group “Dance Spectrum” will perform for Blach students and staff at lunch one day next week. Soooooo, mark your calendars ‘cuz the gym bleachers will be open and the music will be
thumpin’. What? When? Oh, in the big gym at lunch next Tuesday.
8th graders: Have you turned your Student Data Verification Sheet into the Front Office? They were due Feb. 27th but there is still time. You have until this Friday.
This Friday, March 6 is the next LAYC Dance! The theme is Neon Nights! Doors open at 7:30 PM and RSVPs are due by 6 PM. Memberships are still available for $39 for the last 3 dances of the year! You can pick one up at the Recreation Office. See you on Friday.
Just a reminder: in order to check out equipment from the Ball Shack, a student ID must be presented.
Tennis tryouts begin next week! If interested in trying out, stop by Mrs. Kane’s room (C4) at brunch or lunch any day this week to sign up for a tryout date Monday – Wednesday next week. Tryouts will be from 3:10-4:30 on the tennis courts.
The 7th grade girls lost to Sunnyvale 3 to 2 yesterday. No practice today. The 7th grade girls will play at Lawson on Thursday.
The 8th Grade Boys basketball team defeated Sunnyvale 51-30 yesterday. Great shooting by Chris L.
Strong rebounding by Ian B. and Yiming X.
7th Grade Boys Basketball won 56-20 against Sunnyvale. Great overall team play to take a 19-0 lead after the first quarter.
Attention students: All student movie makers out there, this is your lucky day! The 4th Annual LASD Student Film Festival is coming up. Make a video and submit it before the March 27th deadline and have a chance to win a prize. Your 1-5 minute videos can be educational films, animations, claymations, comedy videos, story videos, music videos, or your whole class can collaborate to make a film.
Check out our website at for more info and directions on how to submit.
Friday, March 6 is the next LAYC Dance! The theme is Neon Nights! Youth Commission will have neon face paint at the dance and the Underground will be open on Thursday 3/5 4p-6p so you can come in and decorate your clothes in neon paint for the dance! Doors open at 7:30 PM and RSVPs are due by 6 PM. Memberships are still available for $39 for the last 3 dances of the year! You can pick one up at the Recreation Office. See you on Friday.
In Noon League today, Rolland will be playing Foy at 1:00. All 7 of each team’s players must be there.
Thanks you to everyone for participating in the Student Teacher Dance off. Each homeroom will be receiving 1 point for sending a representative. The winning homerooms each receive 3 points for placement. Ramirez won for enthusiasm, Wade won for originality, and Dewberry won for best costume. Congratulations to everyone.
Tennis tryouts begin next week! If interested in trying out, stop by Mrs. Kane’s room (C4) at brunch or lunch any day this week to sign up for a tryout date Monday – Wednesday next week. Tryouts will be from 3:10-4:30 on the tennis courts.
Girls soccer and boys basketball have practice today after school.
Attention students: All student movie makers out there, this is your lucky day! The 4th Annual LASD Student Film Festival is coming up. Make a video and submit it before the March 27th deadline and have a chance to win a prize. Your 1-5 minute videos can be educational films, animations, claymations, comedy videos, story videos, music videos, or your whole class can collaborate to make a film.
Check out our website at for more info and directions on how to submit.
Beginning tomorrow, you must present your student ID at the Ball Shack in order to check out equipment. No ID? You can either get a new from the office for $5 or buy a special Ball Shack ID for $1.
A huge congratulations to Andrew Daetz for his 8th place finish at Mathcounts this weekend. There were over 300 students and 31 teams completing at Rocket Fuel in Redwood City. Eric will move on to the state Mathcounts competition at Stanford on March 21st!
Friday, March 6 is the next LAYC Dance! The theme is Neon Nights! Youth Commission will have neon face paint at the dance and the Underground will be open on Thursday 3/5 4p-6p so you can come in and decorate your clothes in neon paint for the dance! Doors open at 7:30 PM and RSVPs are due by 6 PM. Memberships are still available for $39 for the last 3 dances of the year! You can pick one up at the Recreation Office. See you on Friday.
Tennis tryouts begin next week! If interested in trying out, stop by Mrs. Kane’s room (C4) at brunch or lunch any day this week to sign up for a tryout date Monday – Wednesday next week. Tryouts will be from 3:10-4:30 on the tennis courts.
February’s teacher MVPs are Mrs. Chron and Mrs. Mather! Congratulations on being such great teachers! For all of their efforts during the year, students have nominated Mrs. Chron as their 7th grade MVP and Mrs. Mather as their 8th grade MVP. They will receive their nominations from students, a starbucks gift card, and a certificate of achievement. Thanks for all of your hard work, and congrats on being Blach’s first teacher MVP’s! Keep doing an amazing job!
Today is the big day! The Night in Paris dance will be held in the Multi from 7-9. The tickets will be sold at brunch, lunch and right after school. There will be a limited number sold at the door for $8. If you plan to come late or leave early, this needs to re arranged with Mrs McGonagle, Mrs MacKenzie or Mrs Honigman AHEAD of time. Be sure to bring extra money for the french cafe and extra raffle ticket. This will be a very special night so get those tickets while they are still at the regular price.
Due to conflicts, the Noon League game between Kane and Hickman has been postponed until Monday at lunch.
Congratulations to Blach’s 2015 MATHCOUNTS team. Andrew, Nithin, Rushil, Devon, Nakul, Miles, Justin, Trevor, Alex and Rohan will be competing tomorrow in Redwood City at the Peninsula Division Mathcounts Competition against 25 other schools. We
wish them great success!!
The rules haven't changed since our return from break--you still must WALK your bike or scooter across the bridge at the back of Blach!!!!
Board Game Club will not be meeting in C1 today because of the Science Test today.
The 8th grade boys basketball team defeated Columbia 64-30, last night. Sebastian P. and Cooper F. led the team with great offensive plays, while Zach M. and Aaron A. had strong rebounding performances. Great effort by the 8th grade boys team!
7th Grade Boys Basketball won against Columbia yesterday 72-24. Player of the game was Jason. Great offense by Jake and Peter. Great defense by Eric.
NOON LEAGUE is on for today with Hickman vs Mrs Kane beginning at 12:05 pm. All team members must be ready to play.
The Blach dance -A NIGHT IN PARIS- is 2 days away! Tickets are being sold at lunch today and brunch, lunch and right after school on Friday. A limited number will be sold at the door for $8. Also remember to buy your raffle tickets for a chance to win movie tickets, teddy bears and gift cards. Each raffle ticket is $1 and will be sold along with the dance tickets. Get your ticket NOW!
The gaming club that meets at lunch in Mrs Honigman’s room will NOT be able to do so today. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Congratulations to the 7th grade girls soccer team. They defeated Miller yesterday by a score of 4 to 1.
Great offense by: Eliza, Claire and Monica.
Great defense by: Carrie, Leah Ann, Olivia, Amy, and Libby.
Great passing by: Jordan
The 7th grade girls travel to Columbia today.
The 8th grade girls play Columbia at home today.
Last call to those 8th grade students heading to Mountain View High School and Los Altos High School next year who have not done their registration yet. You MUST complete your registration by tomorrow, Feb. 26th
CONTEST TIME.....FINAL DAY......LAST OPPORTUNITY!!! Come to the library and answer just 5 questions. There will be 3 winners. Prizes might be a type of computer, a puppy, or a new book autographed by an award winning author.
Winners will be announced during 7th period today!
8th grade homerooms: Please remember to vote TODAY during homeroom for yearbook’s 8th grade personality poll!
NOON LEAGUE tomorrow will be Hickman vs Mrs Kane. Se you on the field by 12:05 sharp!
The weather promises to be great,the music and raffle prizes are brand new, there will be a French Cafe for snacks, we will have a gaming table and movie showing, AND everyone has a chance to dress up if they want to. Perfect! Now all you need to do is buy your dance ticket at lunch!
Don’t forget to buy your “A NIGHT IN PARIS” dance tickets today at lunch!
Beginning next week, the Ball Shack will be using a new system for equipment check out. If you plan to check something out, you will need your Blach Student ID. This ID will be held until you return what you checked out. No ID? You can purchase a special Ball Shack ID for $1.00 or get a new student ID from the office for $5.00. Again, starting next week, all equipment must be checked out with your Blach ID.
Good luck to the 7th grade girls soccer and both boys basketball teams as they take on Miller today in the first game of the season. Both 7th grade teams are at home while the 8th grade boys travel.
Attention 8th grade students heading to Mountain View High School and Los Altos High School next year:
Complete your registration for high school classes for next year. You MUST register by this Thursday, Feb. 26th.
The Foothill Symphonic Winds recently announced the recipient of the Nick Stumbaugh Memorial Award for a deserving music student at Blach Intermediate School, at which the Foothill Symphonic Winds rehearses. Seventh grader Stephanie E. has been selected for the award, receiving a scholarship for music lessons at the Community School of Music and Arts in Mountain View. Congratulations Stephanie!
The Cookie Club should plan to meet in Mrs Honigman’s room at lunch today.
Don’t forget to buy your “A NIGHT IN PARIS” dance tickets today at lunch!
Noon league will continue today at lunch with a 1:00 pm game between Honigman and Mather. All 7 of your players must be present to begin the game.
Beginning next week, the Ball Shack will be using a new system for equipment check out. If you plan to check something out, you will need your Blach Student ID. This ID will be held until you return what you checked out. No ID? You can purchase a special Ball Shack ID for $1.00 or get a new student ID from the office for $5.00. Again, starting next week, all equipment must be checked out with your Blach ID.
Girls soccer and boys basketball practice today after school.
Attention 8th grade students heading to Mountain View High School next year: 50 of you have not completed your registration for high school classes for next year. As a result, Mountain View High School has extended their deadline for registration. You MUST register by this Thursday, Feb. 26th.
This is going to be a GREAT week this week. The long awaited A NIGHT IN PARIS dance is this Friday in the Multi and $5 tickets will be sold all week at lunch in the quad. We will have a video game playing area, raffles, a cafe, photo booth and for the first time a movie will be playing in one section of the multi. The music crew has been working hard on new music and it promises to be an amazing night. Buy your tickets right away and remember that we encourage you to dress up (although it is not required).
Congratulations to Varun P. for competing against 107 junior varsity debaters at the UC Berkeley Invitational held on President's Day weekend. He emerged as the champion in JV Lincoln-Douglas debate!
Students......FUN STUFF: Don't forget to enter the library contest! Come to the library during brunch or lunch & just answer 5 questions. The Winner is the person who gives the most correct answers! If there is a tie, there will be a drawing of those students. All entries are due WEDNESDAY AT THE END OF LUNCH! 2 prizes will be awarded
Girls soccer and boys basketball practice today after school.
3/12/25 12:27 AM