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Coming soon... the 2015 Blach Yearbook! Did you know that our yearbook will have cool student-produced videos embedded into some of the photos? Your Falcon Time classroom has received a poster with directions on how to download the free app and follow Blach’s channel so that you’ll be able to access the videos. Once you download the app, scan each of the pictures on the poster to get a sneak peak of how it
works. See Mrs. Hickman in D-2 or anyone on the yearbook staff if you have questions...
The race is on to be the homeroom to collect the most donations for the school supply drive that is going on this week. We are halfway through as of today, so don’t forget to bring in your donations of new or gently used school supplies into homeroom! Remember, now is your chance to make a difference, and win an ice cream party, all at the same time! Mr. Maye’s third period class would like to thank you for your generosity. Go falcons!
Good Morning Blach 8th Graders: The 8th Grade Grad Party is fast approaching. Have you signed up to go yet? It's NOT too late.
Bring a check for $35.00 to the office along with the sign up form in the Blach Banner and you are IN.
The Party in Friday, May 29 from 7-10 in the Blach Multi There will be food, dancing, games and much more!
8th Graders: There are still quite a few of you who have not responded to Raging Waters. Get your form in today!
Our track and field county representatives were exceptional yesterday! Congratulations to Chloe O., Nick S. and Jake S. who became county champions, Nichole G., Jonah C. and the 7th grade boys 4x400 who medaled in the top three and Amber, Maddy, Eric J., Mateo, Ilona S., Jake S, Luca, Nick S., Ali, Nicole X., Julia D., Katherine S., Kieran D., both girls 4x100 relays and the 8th grade girls 4x400 who all finished in the top eight. Great end of the season!
The Noon League Spike Ball games today are: Mather vs Hu and Harris vs Maye. All games are on the grass area by the tennis courts and will begin at 1:00.
8th Graders - have you signed up for the Grad Party? It's not JUST a dance; there will be games, FREE food, prizes and more!
Hope to see you there!
8th Graders: Don’t forget to get your Raging Waters Form in!
Lost and Found on the Disney Trip: Any items that were left on the bus or forgotten
please see Dr. Judy.
Card club today has been canceled.
Blach’s tennis team has their 1st playoff match today after school against Sunnyvale at Mountain View HS. Meet in front of the school by 3:10.
There is a mandatory practice for all county track and field participants today after school.
Hey 8th Graders: Have you signed up to go to the 8th Grade Graduation Party?
The Party is Friday May 29 here in the Blach Multi from 7 - 10 pm
You need to bring the form that was emailed to your parents this week and check to the office.
There will be fun food, games, dancing and a very special attraction you will NOT want to miss.
Sigh Up to go today!
8th Graders: Don’t forget to get your Raging Waters Form in!
To all 2nd period concert percussion, 4th period and 7th grade strings students. Please meet Mr. Lewis in the band room during lunch to double check the percussion bags. This is very important meeting before we put them on the bus for the Anaheim trip.
If you like ice cream, listen up! Mr. Maye’s third period class is hosting a school-wide school supply drive for the organization Develop Africa. We need your help! Now is your chance to give back and help kids your age who are less fortunate than you. If you have new or gently used school supplies, bring them into your homeroom class during the week of May 18-22. The homeroom that collects the most school supplies will win an ice cream party!
All chorus students meet in the chorus room at lunchtime for practice. Eat lunch after practice.
Only three weeks left in the Blach Club Site! We have changed it to 3 winners, but each get $10 instead of $5 to House of Bagels! It's quick and easy, and all you have to do is sign up for the site - easy! Sign up now! Go to the Blach site and click on the Clubs button on the site. Good luck!
It was another great day of competition by our track and field team yesterday. Many of them again scored personal bests as well as qualified for the County meet next Tuesday. Congratulations to all these who placed in the top six and qualified: 7th grade girls: Stephanie E., Nicole G., Nicole X., Mady K., and the 4x100 relay team who were league champions! 7th grade boys: Eric J., Luca M., Jonah C., Mateo G., Kirby G., Ilan K, and Jake S (who was also the long jump champion) 8th grade girls: Chloe C., Amber F., Maddy H., Ally H., Ilona S., Katherine S., Julia D., Aya K. and both the 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 relay teams 8th grade boys: Nick S. and Kieran D.
All county track participants need to be at practice next Monday and also see Mrs. Koren or Mr. Kane today for the County schedule.
There will be a mandatory and very important meeting today at lunch for all those participating in the Los Altos Pet Parade. Plan to meet in Mrs Honigman’s room F4 at the beginning of lunch.
8th graders: Graduation Speaker Tryouts will continue today during lunch. All those trying out, including those who gave their speech yesterday, are to report to room D-4 at the start of lunch. Bring your speech and lunch with you.
8th Graders: It's almost time for the Grad Party. The date is Friday, May 29. The time is 7-10pm and the location is the Blach Multi.
There will be games, prizes, dancing, food and tons of fun! Please bring your form and check to the office by Friday, May 15th.
8th Graders: Don’t forget to get your Raging Waters Form in!
If you like ice cream, listen up! Mr. Maye’s third period class is hosting a school-wide school supply drive for the organization Develop Africa. We need your help! Now is your chance to give back and help kids your age who are less fortunate than you. If you have new or gently used school supplies, bring them into your homeroom class anytime next week - May 18-22. We will be sending out lists of accepted school supplies, because the homeroom that collects the most school supplies will win an ice cream party!
Only three weeks left in the Blach Club Site! We have changed it to 3 winners, but each get $10 instead of $5 to House of Bagels! It's quick and easy, and all you have to do is sign up for the site - easy! Sign up now! Go to the Blach site and click on the Clubs button on the site. Good luck!
Great job by our track and field athletes who competed in yesterday’s league
finals. Many of them set personal records in their events. Erik Jones and Anson Bridges qualified for today’s hurdle finals and CarrieYih, Nicole Guibord, Ilona Sullivan and Jake Stratz qualified for today’s 100 finals. Congratulations to Maddie Komo, Matteo Gobry who both placed 8th in the 1600 and Chloe Olsen, Amber Fry and Maddy Hamilton who finished 2-3-4 in the 8th grade girls 1600. All field results, as well as today’s races, will be posted in the locker rooms tomorrow. Good luck to all athletes who are competing today.
League Finals participants should leave 6th period at 2:10 today.
7th and 8th grade Band (periods 3rd and 7th) you have an express line for hot lunch today’s line up practice at lunchtime.
Hey Blach! You won’t need to look far to find great stories to read. The creative writing class has published Issue 11 of Falcon Feed. Take a look at the creative stories, poems, and illustrations inside our recent issue. Go to Blach’s website today! Happy Reading!
8th graders: Graduation Speaker Tryouts are TODAY during lunch in room D-4. We will need to get started immediately, so please arrive at the beginning of lunch. Bring your speech and lunch with you.
All those students planning on participating in the Los Altos Pet Parade this Saturday will meet with Mrs Honigman at the beginning of lunch tomorrow! Bring your lunches and plan to come to room F4.
OK 8th Graders it's almost time for the Grad Party. The date is Friday, May 29. The time is 7-10pm and the location is the Blach Multi.
There will be games, prizes, dancing, food and tons of fun! Please bring your form and check to the office this week!
8th Graders: Don’t forget to get your Raging Waters Form in!
If you like ice cream, listen up! Mr. Maye’s third period class is hosting a school-wide school supply drive for the organization Develop Africa. We need your help! Now is your chance to give back and help kids your age who are less fortunate than you. If you have new or gently used school supplies, bring them into your homeroom class anytime next week - May 18-22. We will be sending out lists of accepted school supplies, because the homeroom that collects the most school supplies will win an ice cream party!
Good luck to our Blach track and field athletes who will be traveling to Graham today for the league finals. All athletes leaving early from school need to check in with their 7th period teacher then head over to the locker rooms to get ready. Carpools will leave around 2:25.
The locker rooms will not be open
Hey Blach! You won’t need to look far to find great stories to read. The creative writing class has published Issue 11 of Falcon Feed. Take a look at the creative stories, poems, and illustrations inside our recent issue. Go to Blach’s website today! Happy Reading!
8th grade students who attended the graduation speaker tryouts: A reminder that graduation speaker tryouts will take place tomorrow during lunch in room D-4. Revise and edit your speech tonight. Don’t forget to practice your speech, too. Your speech will be evaluated on content, organization, and presentation. Bring a copy of your speech and your lunch with you. You will eat your lunch during the tryouts; if you order hot lunch, go to the front of the line. We look forward to hearing your speeches.
All those students planning on participating in the Los Altos Pet Parade this Saturday will meet with Mrs Honigman at the beginning of lunch on Wednesday! Bring your lunches and plan to come to room F4.
Attention all 8th graders: Have you turned in your form for the Grad Party? The annual Blach Graduation Party is Friday May 29.
Bring your form and your check to the Blach Office this week.
8th Graders: Don’t forget to get your Raging Waters Form in!
Blachappella will meet today at lunch in the chorus room. Bring your lunch, you will eat after we sing.
Mandatory track and field practice for all league participants today after school.
Attention all 8th grade students: The 8th Grade Graduation Party is Friday, May 29th 7-10. Have you signed up to go?
There will be games, dancing, prizes and food. See todays Blach Banner for details.
8th Graders: Don’t forget to get your Raging Waters Form in!
Hey Blach! You won’t need to look far to find great stories to read. The creative writing class has published Issue 11 of Falcon Feed. Take a look at the creative stories, poems, and illustrations inside our recent issue. Go to Blach’s website today! Happy Reading!
T & F participants, please check in the locker rooms for yesterdays results and for a list of who is going to the league T & F meet next week. IF YOU ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE LEAGUE MEET YOU MUST ATTEND PRACTICE ON Monday!
Blach’s 8th grade track team defeated visiting Egan 207 to 157 in total points scored and won 3 of the 4 divisions. Congratulations to all our athletes for finishing the regular season with such a strong meet. Next up is league finals on next Tuesday and Wednesday at Graham Middle School. All league qualifiers need to be at practice next Monday in order to attend the league finals.
8th graders: Did you attend the graduation speaker meeting last week? If so, you should be writing your speech. Haven’t started yet? It’s not too late. Start writing today! Tryouts will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday. Give your speech the attention it deserves. Write, revise, edit, and don’t forget to practice reading your speech. We look forward to hearing all speeches!
Attention all 8th grade students: The 8th Grade Graduation Party is Friday, May 29th 7- 10. Have you signed up to go?
There will be games, dancing, prizes and food. See todays Blach Banner for details.
This week we are celebrating our amazing staff with Teacher Appreciation
Week. Congratulations to each and every staff member and thank you for your many efforts on behalf of the student body.
Today we will finish the Soccer Championship game between Mather and Lopez. We will begin at 1:10. Next up? The winner of this games vs the faculty next week.
Congrats to Blach’s tennis team for sweeping Lawson in all singles and doubles matches giving us a score of 9-0! Fantastic way to finish off the regular season!! No practice tomorrow. Playoffs begin next week!!!
Blach’s track and field team takes on Lawson and Columbia at Blach today after school. Good luck to all our athletes!
Blach’s tennis team had a great victory yesterday against Kennedy beating them 6-3!!! Miles, Akash and Brandon all swept in singles earning us 3 points. Doubles teams of Harry/Zach, Evan/Walter, and Saiyash/Felix played tough gaining us 3 more
points. Nice job team!!! Next match is tomorrow at Lawson!
Two important things are happening in the quad today. The BALLOON STOMP will take place at 1:00 along with the sign ups for the Los Altos Pet Parade. Don’t miss either one.
3/12/25 12:47 AM