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August 2015
Dear Blach families,
On behalf of the staff at Blach Intermediate School, I warmly welcome you to the new school year! Whether you are a new Blach Falcon or a returning Falcon family, we are so excited that you will be a part of our community this year!
I am privileged and honored to serve as your new Principal this year. During my professional career spanning over two decades, I have held the positions of a teacher’s aide, teacher, middle school vice principal, professional development provider, college lecturer and district office administrator and worked with students ranging from 3 years to graduate school! My educational background includes graduate degrees in Child Development and Counseling. I am passionate about working with middle school students (and their unique sense of humor brings the added joy to my work!). These years are critical in a child’s growth and development. This is a time when ‘who they are becoming’ is as important as ‘what they are learning’. I love being a part of this journey with them together with you! Central to my work as a middle school leader is also my empathetic perspective as a parent of two- a high school junior and a 4th grader. I walk in your shoes as a parent everyday! I also walk the fine line between watching my children fall and rise on their own with mine and my husband’s support to struggling with my parental instinct to not let them fall at all!
This growth mindset based approach to parenting also forms the core of my educational philosophy. It is my mission to inspire, support and propel our students to achieve their potential and believe in their ability to deal with the stumbling blocks with confidence! This can only happen in an environment, which is safe and supportive.
We, at Blach, are committed to providing an environment where our students deeply engage in meaningful learning in a school climate that is accepting, caring and safe. We, at Blach, are committed to creating and sustaining an innovative learning environment where both students and adults model challenging themselves to seek new and unique learning experiences. We, at Blach, are committed to empowering student voice. We, at Blach, are committed to building a culture of trust where every community member feels welcome and valued.
As your Principal, my door is always open for you. We are your partners in your child’s education! Please do not hesitate to contact me with all your questions, concerns and ideas. We are here to support you and your child!
With much gratitude,
Bhavna Narula, Principal and a Proud Blach Falcon!
Thank you Blach for returning ALMOST everything to the library. If you still have anything in your possession, IT'S OVERDUE & please return it immediately.
They’re coming... the 2015 Blach yearbooks have arrived on campus and will be distributed this Thursday at the end of the day! If you did not pre-order a yearbook, there's still an opportunity to purchase one! There will be a limited number of books available for sale starting Thursday after school, first come- first served. Bring $45 cash or check made out to Blach School. See Mrs. Hickman in room D-2 with any questions.
After an exciting water balloon throw on Monday, we continue the fun with the first round of Blach Idol today at lunch. The first set of homerooms from Chron through Koren MUST submit their song choices during 3rd period today to be eligible to perform. The remaining homerooms will perform on Thursday and must also send their choices to Leadership. The overall winner of the contest will be announced on Thursday.
ALL LIBRARY BOOKS are now OVERDUE. If you have borrowed anything, please return it immediately.
They’re coming... the 2015 Blach yearbooks will be arriving on campus soon and will be distributed on Thursday, June 4th. If you did not pre-order a yearbook, there's still an opportunity to purchase one! There will be a limited number of books available for sale starting June 4th after school, first come- first served. Bring $45 cash or check made out to Blach School. See Mrs. Hickman in room D-2 with any questions.
Tomorrow's the day! Tomorrow is the 8th Grade Grad Party! It is from 7- 10pm in the Blach Multi
Guys should wear a collared shirt and nice shorts or pants Girls should wear a comfortable dress, skirt or nice shorts No need to bring any money. everything is free!
There will be dancing, games, raffle prizes and food. We can't wait to see you all there!
Today at lunch we will be doing “Blind Makeovers.” All contestants should be ready by 1:10.
Tomorrow is “Hippie Day” and the Charity Water Balloon Throw. (NEXT PAGE)
The Rubic’s Cube Club will not be able to meet in Mrs. Honigman’s room at lunch today.
Medications will be available for pick up from June 10th 2015 (last day of school) to June 16th 2015.
We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An Adult must pick up medication.
They’re coming... the 2015 Blach yearbooks will be arriving on campus soon and will be distributed on Thursday, June 4th. If you did not pre-order a yearbook, there's still an opportunity to purchase one! There will be a limited number of books available for sale starting June 4th after school, first come- first served. Bring $45 cash or check made out to Blach School. See Mrs. Hickman in room D-2 with any questions.
Good Morning 8th Graders!
The 8th Grade Party is THIS Friday!
What are you going to wear?
Guys; a collared shirt and nice shorts or pants would be a good choice.
Girls; a dress, skirt that you can move in will be perfect for the party!
There will be a coat check there if you decide you want to stash your shoes or phone somewhere safe.
There will be games, free food, prizes and so much more!
The Party is in the Blach Multi from 7 - 10 pm.
Today is THE GARBAGE BAG FASHION SHOW and it is PJ Day. All participants should have their costumes ready by lunchtime. One person from each homeroom will be the “presenter” while the other wears the costume. Heads up: tomorrow is Formal Day.
The School Supply Drive was an amazing success! We have collected boxes and boxes of supplies that will soon be shipped to Africa. It was a close competition between several homerooms, but the winning homeroom is Mrs. Honigman's class. Thanks again to all the teachers and students that made this possible.
BREAKING NEWS for the fashion show
You can also use the little white trash bag (that the 2 bigger ones came in) for the
costume. Any type of tape can be used but not staples. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO:
Coming soon... the 2015 Blach Yearbook! Did you know that our yearbook will have cool student-produced videos embedded into some of the photos? Your Falcon Time classroom has received a poster with directions on how to download the free app and follow Blach’s channel so that you’ll be able to access the videos. Once you download the app, scan each of the pictures on the poster to get a sneak peak of how it
works. See Mrs. Hickman in D-2 or anyone on the yearbook staff if you have questions...
OK - It's THIS week. Yep. The 8th grade Grad party is THIS Friday! What you forgot to get your ticket?
It's NOT too late. Bring your check for $35.00 to the office today? It's going to be a Super Fun Party.
There will be free food, dancing games and lots of Prizes! We want every 8th grader to go -Don't miss it!
Exciting Library news: IT'S ROUNDUP TIME!!! All library materials are due......and this news means that SUMMERTIME is just around the corner! Please return everything that you've borrowed by tomorrow. Thank you, partners!
8th Graders: The deadline is fast approaching for Raging Waters. Get your form in today!
8th Graders: Today we will be passing out the Panorama pictures. Please line up at the Front Office if you purchased one.
Coming soon... the 2015 Blach Yearbook! Did you know that our yearbook will have cool student-produced videos embedded into some of the photos? Your Falcon Time classroom has received a poster with directions on how to download the free app and follow Blach’s channel so that you’ll be able to access the videos. Once you download the app, scan each of the pictures on the poster to get a sneak peak of how it
works. See Mrs. Hickman in D-2 or anyone on the yearbook staff if you have questions...
Next week is spirit week! Make sure to dress up for each day to show your school spirit! On Tuesday, it will be Western Day, where you can wear jeans and a flannel and some
boots, Wednesday will be PJ day so roll out of bed and come to school , Thursday will be formal day so put on a dress or skirt and khakis and a collared shirt, and Friday will
be hippie day so put on your best tie dye, fringe, headbands, and peace signs. Remember to dress up and take part in our daily events!
Today is the last day of the school supply drive. The falcons have done great... now... who will win the ice cream party? You will find out next week- the suspense builds! Thanks for bringing in supplies! Homeroom teachers: please make sure all of your supplies have been collected in your boxes. Please have someone from your homeroom class drop off all remaining supplies to Mr. Maye’s classroom. Falcons rock!
Hello Blach 8th Graders!
We want YOU! Yes, we want EVERY 8th grade student at Blach to attend the Grad Party!
The Party is 1 week from today! It is here in the Blach Multi. The theme is a BIG surprise! The time is from 7 - 10 PM
There will be free food, games, dancing, prizes and MUCH more!
What do you wear? This is a party you will want to get dressed up for. Boys can wear a colored shirt and nice shorts or pants. Girls can wear a dress or a skirt or nice shorts or pants.
Please bring your donation check made out to the Blach PTA for $35.00 to the office today!
8th Graders: The deadline is fast approaching for Raging Waters. Get your form in today!
All girls soccer and track uniforms should be returned today.
Coming soon... the 2015 Blach Yearbook! Did you know that our yearbook will have cool student-produced videos embedded into some of the photos? Your Falcon Time classroom has received a poster with directions on how to download the free app and follow Blach’s channel so that you’ll be able to access the videos. Once you download the app, scan each of the pictures on the poster to get a sneak peak of how it
works. See Mrs. Hickman in D-2 or anyone on the yearbook staff if you have questions...
There is only one more day of the school supply drive! Will your homeroom bring in the most supplies and claim the prize? We’ll see! Bring in your new or gently used school supplies tomorrow, the last day of the drive. Remember, we don’t accept supplies not on the list. We are blown away with all of your donations! Thanks for your support!
Good Morning 8th grade students.
Don't forget - you can still sign up to go to the 8th Grade Graduation Party. It is next Friday, May 29th from 7 - 10 pm in the Blach Multi.
The theme is a BIG surprise.
There will be games, raffle prizes, gambling, dancing and Free Food! Please bring your $35.00 donation to the Blach office today!
Everyone should go!
8th Graders: The deadline is fast approaching for Raging Waters. Get your form in today!
3/12/25 1:17 AM