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Check out our first student newspaper, The Falcon’s Quill, published by our Journalism class! Click below.

Student Newspaper Falcon's Quill

NOTE: The journalism class also keeps a blog! You can find the Falcon's Quill Blog here.

Please note that April 23-May 11 is our CAASPP (State mandated) Standardized Testing window. Thank you for ensuring that non-emergency absences/appointments (during school hours) are not scheduled during this time.

Please join the Los Altos School District for an inspirational night of STEM as three keynote speakers share their professions in STEM fields and explain how their work impacts the world around us.  

This event is open to all students and parents of Egan and Blach Jr. Highs as well as other kids and families in Los Altos.

Day:  Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Location:  Blach Multipurpose Room
Time:  7pm

On March 14, student groups across the nation, have called out for the National School Walkout to protest school violence and specifically walkout of the classrooms for 17 minutes around 10 A.M. to honor the 17 lives lost recently at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Student leadership groups at Blach are planning to organize and lead a safe and authentic opportunity for those students who would like to join the protest to recognize the 17 victims of the school shooting in Florida. Our student leadership groups have been intentional and thoughtful in their planning of the 17 minutes long protest as well as inclusive of a wider student voice to be sure that students feel heard.  

As adults, we prioritize creating a safe space for all our students. Teachers will be supervising students who wish to remain in the classroom during this protest and staff will also be supervising students who wish to step out to join this student led protest. We deeply respect and acknowledge all our students’ sentiments on this issue.

Tuesday, February 27: 7-8 P.M. (Blach Multi): Parent Education:  Middle School: Parenting in the Age of Social Media (register here)

Thursday, March 8: 8:30-9:30 A.M. (Blach Library): Coffee with the Principal: Topic-Digital Citizenship

Thursday, March 15: Min Day: Dismissal at 12:30 P.M. No hot lunch

Thursday, March 15: 8:30-9:50 A.M. (Staff Lounge): PTA meeting


Preparedness and communication are key to student safety- we focus on staff training and practice these procedures together with students through drills to ensure that we are well prepared. Please consider opting in so that in the event of an emergency at Blach or for important reminders, we can notify you in a timely fashion.

  • You can participate in this free service just by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587.

  • You can also opt out of these messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.

  • SchoolMessenger is compliant with the Student Privacy Pledge TM, so you can be rest assured that your information is safe and will never be given or sold to anyone.

  • Please note that your cell phone number must be in Powerschool (our student information database) for you to receive text messages from us.


On behalf of all of us here at Blach, a very Happy New Year to you and yours! Hope you enjoyed a restful and rejuvenating break. Here are a few updates and reminders:

  • January 12th also marks the end of semester 1.
  • Students will receive their final semester 2 schedules on January 12th. 
  • Parking Lot Safety: With rainy days and more cars on the road, please keep an eye out for kids on bikes who share our roads during very busy times.
    • During pick up or drop off, please do not park your car in the street where cars are queued for pick-up from the round-about.  
    • Please do not block driveways or streets or cut through private property.  
    • Please be mindful of cars that have been waiting in line for student pick up, and do not “cut” in front of cars that have been waiting.  
    • Always pull up to the front when space allows.  
    • Please obey all rules of the road, including speed, cell phone use, and street crossings. 
  • All absences must be called in by 9 A.M. each day your child is absent. You can either call our school office or email Mrs. Azzarello. This is to ensure student safety. Thank you for your support.

The Blach Leadership class is once again spearheading the annual holiday food drive to benefit The Community Services Agency of Mountain View.  Last year a record amount of food was donated by Blach families. We would like to do even better this year and need your help. All homerooms are collecting food through next Tuesday, December 12.

Food Drive Wish List

Please check the list for the most needed items. Together, we can make this the most successful year yet!! 

  • Tue Nov 7 : Turkey Trot for Students (2:35pm - 3:00pm)
  • Tue Nov 7: WOW to School Day (Walk Or Wheel)
  • Fri Nov 10 : Veteran’s Day Holiday - No School
  • Nov 13 - Nov 17 : 8th Grade Yosemite Trip
  • Thur Nov 16 : PTA Meeting (7:00pm Blach Library)
  • Mon Nov 20 : Optional Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
  • Nov 20 - Nov 24 : No School
  • Fri Dec 1: Blach Min Day - 12:30pm Dismissal for the Holiday Faire!

Our Leadership students are working tirelessly to organize yet another fun Halloween dance and party this Friday! (Rumor has it that there is a Haunted House involved too!) We want all our students to have a safe and fun experience. Please note that costumes must be school appropriate (no excessive blood/gore, weapons or masks, no culturally offensive costumes). This also applies to costumes worn on Halloween day to school.

Our first Drama performance of the year is also this week! Under the guidance of our expert drama teacher, Ms. Meckler, Blach drama students are all set to perform William Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ on October 26 (see times above). Please join us and support and encourage our amazing students!

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