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Attention 8th Graders — If you’re considering trying out as a graduation speaker, you must attend a mandatory meeting TODAY at 1:15 sharp in D-3.

Breaking news!!! The Blach Falcons plan to participate in the 68th Annual Los Altos Kiwanis Pet Parade on May 16th. If you and your pet are interested in being a part of our group, come to the stage area at lunch beginning this Thursday to get an information sheet and sign up. We will have our sign up table in the quad at lunch through NEXT Thursday May 7th.

Noon League is on today with a game between Lopez and Liewer. Drama Students: Please report to B1 today.
Choir to meet in G2 today.


The Blach Club Site is running a giveaway! All you have to do is sign up for the site and be active! Six different winners will receive $5 gift cards to House of Bagels, which will be given out on June 1st! To get to the site, go to and click the Clubs banner on the top of the site. Good luck!

The LAYC Spring Semi-Formal is this Friday, May 1! Dress up or don’t- it’s up to you!! All participants are expected to follow LAYC and school dress code. Aaron David productions will be the DJ. This is the last LAYC dance of the year! See you there!



Fantastic win yesterday by Blach’s tennis team against Sunnyvale beating them 8- 1! Kudos to all of you!!
Next match is tomorrow against Redwood at Mountain View HS.

Blach’s track and field lost to Hyde but defeated Sunnyvale on Tuesday’s away meet. A shout out to the 7th grade boys and girls 4x400 relay teams that won in dramatic fashion in the last races of the afternoon. All results can be found in the locker rooms. Good luck to our athletes as they take on Miller and Columbia today at Miller. It is predicted to be hot so athletes should have water bottles filled before getting on the bus today. 


Graduation is fast approaching, and plans are being made for your last days of school at Blach. We are looking for students who would be interested in giving a graduation speech on the day of the ceremony. Please meet in Mrs. MacKenzie’s room on Thursday, April 30 at 1:15 to receive information about speeches and tryouts. Bring your lunch. You MUST attend the meeting if you want to try out in May.

Tonight is the night! Have you been a part of the Youth Forensic League at Blach this year or are you interested in Speech and Debate at the high school? Come TONIGHT to Mountain View High School to see the high school team "strut their stuff." This free event--with food-- runs from 7-9 pm at the Mountain View High School Theatre! See Dr. Moerner if you have any questions.

Breaking news!!! The Blach Falcons plan to participate in the 68th Annual Los Altos Kiwanis Pet Parade on May 16th. If you and your pet are interested in being a part of our group, come to the stage area at lunch beginning this Thursday to get an information sheet and sign up. We will have our sign up table in the quad at lunch through NEXT Thursday May 7th.

7th grade students who have not yet finished the Smarter Balance Test will be excused during Falcon today and Friday to complete that test. If your last name begins with the letters A – L, please report to Mrs. Waxman’s room during Falcon Time today.

8th grade students whose last names begin with A – L will report today to Mrs. MacKenzie’s room during time to complete the test.

All 7th grade 4x400 runners and the 8th grade girls 4x400 team should plan to have lunch in Mrs. Honigman’s room today.

8th Graders: Just a reminder to get those Grad Dance forms in. There is a box in the office. Also those of you who didn’t receive your Raging Waters form yesterday should be getting them today during homeroom.


The Blach Club Site is running a giveaway! All you have to do is sign up for the site and be active! Six different winners will receive $5 gift cards to House of Bagels, which will be given out on June 1st! To get to the site, go to and click the Clubs banner on the top of the site. Good luck!



Have you been a part of the Youth Forensic League at our school this year or are you interested in Speech and Debate at the high school? Come THIS Wednesday night to Mountain View High School to see the high school team "strut their stuff.' This free event--with food-- runs from 7-9 pm at the Mountain View High School Theatre on April 29th!

The Blach Club Site is running a giveaway! All you have to do is sign up for the site and be active! Six different winners will receive $5 gift cards to House of Bagels, which will be given out on June 1st! To get to the site, go to and click the Clubs banner on the top of the site. Good luck!

The LAYC Spring Semi-Formal is this Friday, May 1! Dress up or don’t- it’s up to you!! All participants are expected to follow LAYC and school dress code. Aaron David productions will be the DJ. This is the last LAYC dance of the year! See you there!




Track and Field practice today after school.

Last Friday Blach’s tennis team had a great match against Miller defeating them 7-
2! Miles, Brandon and Akash breezed through their singles matches earning us our first 3 points. Doubles teams of Felix/Evan, Harry/Walter, Asha/Jay, Ashley/Nico all won their matches giving us our last 4 points! Way to go team! Practice today after school and next match is against Sunnyvale on Wednesday. 


TODAY IS THE DAY!! Movie night will run from 6:30-9:00 tonight in the Multi. This is Blach’s time to shine so don’t let your school down. All proceeds will go to charity and we need everyone’s help to make this a success. Remember to bring your chairs if you don’t want to use the regular ones and money for the BBQ and snack bar. NEWSFLASH === Maze Runner, The Amazing Spider Man and Big Hero Six will ALL be playing tonight at Movie Night! BE THERE!!!

Hey Blach! The creative writing class has published Issue 10 of Falcon Feed. Take a look at the students’ entertaining stories and poems as well as the creative illustrations by the art class. Will you dare to enter room 50 of the Marriott Hotel? What happens to Josie? What happens when the enemy fires shots at Kyle and his comrades? Where is Willow Richardson? What is the sound coming from Alex’s room? Read Falcon Feed today; look for Issue 10 on Blach’s website. Happy Reading!

An enthusiastic audience was delighted by Blach Drama Students’ performance of SPY TV last night. The humor was infectious and the energy on stage was amazing. Kudos to this class of talented students!

The LAYC Spring Semi-Formal is this Friday, May 1! Dress up or don’t- it’s up to you!! All participants are expected to follow LAYC and school dress code. Aaron David productions will be the DJ. This is the last LAYC dance of the year! See you there!



Mural Club cancelled today.



Blach narrowly lost yesterday to Kennedy while easily defeating McAuliffe in their first meet of the season. The 8th grade girls were the only division to win outright doing it easily 72 to 33. Congrats to Maddy K., Stephanie E., Lexi R., Nicole X., Amber F., Aya K., Kay N., Even Y, Jake S, Luca M., Kieran D., Nick S., Douglas D. for individual wins as well as the relay teams of 7th grade girls 4 x 400, the 8th grade girls 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 and the 7th grade boys 4 x 100 and 4 x 400. 


Breaking news about movie night on Friday. As you know this is YOUR chance to make a difference since the proceeds go to charity. We will begin the big event at 6:30 pm rather than 7 because of the length of the movies. The BBQ menu will include nachos and cheese, bacon wrapped and regular hot dogs, veggie burgers as well as drinks, popcorn and chips. We will be showing Big Hero Six and the Amazing

Spiderman. Bring your lawn chairs to sit on and be ready to have a great time. Tickets will be sold all week on the stage at lunch. We can’t be a success without YOU!

Students: The second to the last hot lunch window is broken. If your last name is between O and Z, you will use the far right line.

Hey Blach! The creative writing class has published Issue 10 of Falcon Feed. Take a look at the students’ entertaining stories and poems as well as the creative illustrations by the art class. Will you dare to enter room 50 of the Marriott Hotel? What happens to Josie? What happens when the enemy fires shots at Kyle and his comrades? Where is Willow Richardson? What is the sound coming from Alex’s room? Read Falcon Feed today; look for Issue 10 on Blach’s website. Happy Reading!



Good luck to Blach’s track and Field team as they travel to Kennedy after school for a tri-meet with Kennedy and McAuliffe. Athletes need to meet outside the front of school by 3:15 to ride the busses. Only those who have registered and paid the bus fee will be able to travel.

Yesterday Blach’s tennis team had a close match against Fisher losing 3-6. Great wins by Brandon playing singles and Tim, Saiyash, Nico and Coral playing doubles!! Next match is tomorrow against Miller at Mountain View HS. 


There will be no Think Tank today after school, but DO come tomorrow! We apologize.

Get excited about this week’s COTTON BALL CHALLENGE. Due to Friday’s big movie night this will be held on Thursday. All the specifics are included in the sign up sheets which must be submitted to Leadership by the end of today. Make a note that there must be 2 participants from each homeroom.

Breaking news about movie night on Friday. As you know this is YOUR chance to make a difference since the proceeds go to charity. We will begin the big event at 6:30 pm rather than 7 because of the length of the movies. The BBQ menu will include nachos and cheese, bacon wrapped and regular hot dogs, as well as drinks, popcorn and

chips. We will be showing Big Hero Six and the Amazing Spiderman. Bring your lawn chairs to sit on and be ready to have a great time. Tickets will be sold all week on the stage at lunch. We can’t be a success without YOU!

The library is STILL missing a Spanish textbook. Please return it immediately.


Attention Giving Back Club members — there’s an important meeting today in Mrs. MacKenzie’s room. Grab your lunch and head to D-3 asap.



Noon League today is the overtime between Mrs. Kane and Lewis as well as a game between Harris and Liewer. Please have all players on the field by 1:10.

Breaking news about movie night on Friday. As you know this is YOUR chance to make a difference since the proceeds go to charity. We will begin the big event at 6:30 pm rather than 7 because of the length of the movies. The BBQ menu will include nachos and cheese, bacon wrapped and regular hot dogs, as well as drinks, popcorn and

chips. We will be showing Big Hero Six and the Amazing Spiderman. Bring your lawn chairs to sit on and be ready to have a great time. Tickets will be sold all week on the stage at lunch. We can’t be a success without YOU!

Missing: Spanish textbook from the library. Please return it immediately.



All Track & Field participants: you must be signed up online and have given Mr. Kane or Mrs. Koren your transportation check by Wednesday to participate in the away meet on Thursday. 




Movie night is THIS Friday! It will be an evening of Jammies, pillows and lawnchairs or bean bag chairs and GREAT barbecue! We’ll be showing Back to the Future and Big Hero 6. Buy YOUR ticket today. Proceeds will benefit several charities.

8th graders: Please line up in front of the school at 1:05 for the Panorama Picture. If you have your form please give it to the photographer at the time of the



All Track & Field participants: you must be signed up online and have given Mr. Kane or Mrs. Koren you transportation check by Wednesday to participate in the away meet on Thursday. 



Movie night is NEXT Friday! It will be an evening o Jammies, pillows and lawnchairs or bean bag chairs and GREAT barbecue! We’ll be showing Back to the Future and Big Hero 6. Buy YOUR ticket today for $2 at lunch — it’s a bargain. Prices go up on Monday. Proceeds will benefit several charities.



All Track & Field participants please sign up online (information forms are in the locker rooms) and bring your transportation check to Mr. Kane or Mrs. Koren

All girls soccer uniforms should be returned to Mrs. Koren TODAY! 


Don’t forget to buy your ticket for movie night! They go on sale tomorrow for just $2!!!!!! Price goes up to $3 next week — or $5 at the door! Meet us next Friday night April 24 for movies and an awesome barbecue!!!

Thanks Blach! You raised $550 to buy 11 goats for 11 families in Kenya!
Here’s a thank you note from the Free the Children coordinator of Northern California: Dear Incredible Students at Blach,
Thank you SO much for your very generous donation to support the Alternative Income Pillar in Kenya! I want to tell you that the power of a single goat to a family in Africa provides income and nutrition for them. You all should be so proud of your contribution, and please know that so much of our international projects depend on support like yours! I hope you had a wonderful school year — summer’s almost here!! Keep up the fantastic work. Thank you for caring about people from so far away.
Sincerely — Nancy

Thanks AGAIN Blach! The book drive is over — and you more than DOUBLED our expectations! We were hoping for 1000 books — but our final count is 2,139! We will be delivering the books to Theurekauf School Friday afternoon. 1700 of your books will go to those elementary students — and 439 will go to Crittenden Middle

School. Together we are making a big difference in our world! You are FANTASTIC!!!

8th graders: You will be receiving a form for the Panorama Picture during 3rd period today. Please return it on picture day next Monday, April 20th to the photographer. More information to follow.




Yesterday Blach’s tennis team had a fantastic win against Graham beating them 7- 2. Everyone stayed focused in their individual matches and it showed. Nice win team!! Tomorrow there will be 1 practice session only from 3:10-4:30. 


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